maandag 30 augustus 2010

Waarvoor dient de overige 90% van ons DNA?

Waarvoor dient de overige 90% van ons DNA?

24-06-2004 om 09:15 uur | 52,142 bekeken | Gezondheid | WWW.NIBURU.NL | Print

Russisch DNA-onderzoek en 'het Fantoomeffect van DNA'.

De Russische biofysicus en moleculair bioloog Pjotr Garjajev en zijn collega's hebben baanbrekend onderzoek verricht naar de meer esoterische aard van DNA. Zij geloofden gewoonweg niet dat 90% van onze DNA 'junk DNA' is.

Uit het Duitse boek Vernetzte Intelligenz van Grazyna Fosar en Franz Bludorf:

Het meest recente onderzoek verklaart fenomenen zoals helderziendheid, intuïtie, spontane heling en heling op afstand, zelfheling, bevestigings- of affirmatietechnieken, ongebruikelijke licht-aura's rond mensen (vooral spirituele meesters), de invloed van gedachten op weerpatronen en nog veel meer. De Russische wetenschappers kwamen er ook achter dat ons DNA storende patronen in het vacuüm kan veroorzaken, waardoor ze magnetische wormgaten voortbrengen! Wormgaten zijn de microscopische equivalenten van de zogenaamde 'Einstein-Rosen' bruggen in de buurt van zwarte gaten (achtergelaten door gedoofde sterren). Dit zijn tunnelverbindingen tussen volledig verschillende gebieden in het heelal waardoor de informatie buiten ruimte en tijd kan worden doorgegeven. Het DNA trekt deze beetjes informatie aan en geeft deze aan ons bewustzijn door.

Wat we hier zien is 'Hypercommunicatie', waar informatie interdimensionaal wordt doorgegeven. Het is alsof het DNA opereert als een 'Stargate' (sterrenpoort) tussen deze dimensie en andere dimensies. In het boek staan verschillende verhalen hoe deze informatie via DNA gedownload wordt.

De Italiaanse componist Giuseppe Tartini bijvoorbeeld, droomde op een nacht dat de duivel aan zijn bed viool zat te spelen. De volgende ochtend kon Tartini het stuk precies vanuit zijn geheugen opschrijven; hij noemde het 'Trill Sonata van de Duivel'. Al jaren droomde een 42-jaar oude verpleger van een situatie waarin hij aan een soort kennis CD-rom werd vastgehaakt. De verifieerbare kennis van alle mogelijk denkbare gebieden werd toen naar hem overgebracht en hij kon zich dit de volgende morgen herinneren. Er was zo'n vloed aan informatie dat het leek of er een gehele encyclopedie werd overgebracht die nacht. De meeste feiten betroffen zaken buiten zijn persoonlijke database en er waren zelfs technische details waar hij absoluut niets van wist.

Er werd ook vastgesteld hoe deze informatie kan worden doorgegeven tussen individuen wiens DNA 'geactiveerd' is. Dit helpt te verklaren waarom vele van de Helderziende Kinderen complexe concepten kunnen uitwisselen met elkaar via een onzichtbaar web. Dit DNA communiceert over enorme afstanden. Wij weten nu dat precies als via internet, DNA zijn eigen informatie aan het netwerk kan voeden, data van het netwerk kan ophalen en contact kan leggen met andere deelnemers van het netwerk. Helen op afstand, telepathie of het op afstand waarnemen van het welzijn van verwanten kan op deze manier worden verklaard. Sommige dieren weten ook lang van tevoren wanneer hun baasjes van plan zijn naar huis terug te keren. Dat kan opnieuw geïnterpreteerd en verklaard worden met de concepten van groepsbewustzijn en hypercommunicatie.

De Russische onderzoeker Dr.Vladimir Poponin zette DNA in een buis en richtte er een laser door heen. Toen het DNA werd verwijderd, bleef het laserlicht zelf spiraalsgewijs voortbewegen, zoals het zou doen door een kristal. Dit effect wordt 'het Fantoomeffect van DNA' genoemd.

Men vermoedt dat energie van buiten ruimte en tijd nog door de geactiveerde wormgaten vloeit nadat het DNA werd verwijderd. Het neveneffect dat het vaakst optreedt bij hypercommunicatie en bij mensen zijn onverklaarbare elektromagnetische velden in de buurt van de betrokken personen. Elektronische apparaten zoals CD-spelers en dergelijke, kunnen gestoord worden en gedurende uren ophouden met functioneren. Als het elektromagnetische veld langzaam verdwijnt, functioneren de apparaten weer normaal. Vele helers en helderzienden kennen dit effect van hun werk.

Steeds meer kinderen worden geboren met deze verbazingwekkende capaciteiten en het wordt overduidelijk dat dit te maken heeft met de DNA-verandering. Dit is nog nooit voorgekomen op deze manier en veel onderzoekers geloven dat ons DNA tegen het eind van 2012 volledig functioneel zal worden [12 strengen DNA, red.]. Het is geen toeval dat 2012 het eind van de Maya-kalender is, het veronderstelde tijdstip van de Galactische uitlijning is en de verschuiving van het Pisces-tijdperk (Vissen-tijdperk) naar het Aquarius-tijdperk (Waterman-tijdperk) [het volledig eindigen van de invloed van het Vissen-tijdperk en het volledig tot bloei komen van het Aquarius-tijdperk, red.]. Nieuw onderzoek toont aan dat er nauw verband bestaat tussen DNA, de Zon en wat er in onze Melkweg gebeurt.


De Russische Nationale Academie van Wetenschappen in Novosibirsk, Siberië, heeft heel veel - weinig bekend - onderzoek gedaan naar de beweging van ons Zonnestelsel door de Melkweg. Zij heeft ook ontdekt dat wij ons in een gebied van ruimte bewegen waar de trilling hoger is. Wilcock verklaart dat de Zon een magnetisch veld heeft dat een ei rond ons Zonnestelsel vormt dat heliosfeer wordt genoemd. De heliosfeer heeft de vorm van een grote traandruppel, die op weg is naar dit gebied van hoog geladen ruimte.


De basisstructuur van heliosfeer (foto: NASA)

De Russen hebben de voorzijde van deze heliosfeer bekeken en hebben gloeiende plasma-energie waargenomen die is opgewekt. Deze plasma-energie was 10 astronomische eenheden diep (een astronomische eenheid is de afstand van de Aarde tot de Zon: 139.500.000 km). Dus tien astronomische eenheden vertegenwoordigen de normale dikte van deze gloeiende energie die wij aan het eind van de voorzijde van het Zonnestelsel zagen.

Nu is dit gloeiende plasma 100 astronomische eenheden diep...dat is een toename van 1.000% van de totale helderheid van de energie het eind van de voorzijde van het Zonnestelsel. Dit betekent dat het Zonnestelsel zich beweegt in een gebied waar de energie hoger geladen is (fotongordel). Deze hoger-geladen energie zorgt er op zijn beurt weer voor dat het plasma wordt opgewekt en dat er meer wordt gevormd, dus zie je meer licht en helderheid. De energie vloeit dan naar de Zon, die de energie dan weer uitstraalt en verspreidt over zijn hete vlakten, die de Eclips genoemd wordt. Dit verzadigt vervolgens weer interplanetaire ruimte, die ervoor zorgt dat de Zonne-uitbarstingen sneller reizen en de energie op de planeten oplaadt.

Dit is bewuste energie die verandert hoe de planeet werkt, functioneert en welk soort leven het ondersteunt. De boventonen van de DNA-spiraal zelf zijn aan het veranderen. Dit is de echte, verborgen oorzaak van spontane massa-evoluties in vorige tijdperken. Alleen gebeurt dit nu allemaal tegelijkertijd en werkt het allemaal toe naar een crescendo (hoogtepunt) op het moment dat er een plotselinge verschuiving is. Dit geeft ons een aanwijzing dat wij werkelijk door bepaalde belangrijke veranderingen gaan. De geladen deeltjes die door de Zon en in ons Zonnestelsel worden overgebracht, zijn de factor die ons ontwikkelingsproces en onze DNA-verandering (is dit hetzelfde?) activeren. Wilcock verklaart: We kunnen het zien gebeuren dat de Zonne-energie hyper-dimensionaal van nature is en dat dit hoger bewustzijn teweeg brengt. Deze hyper-dimensionale toename bereikt zijn volledig breekpunt op het moment van ascensie, als wij volledig een gebied met hogere etherische dichtheid binnengaan...

Suggereert dit dan dat het menselijke ras, onder leiding van de Helderziende Kinderen, zich voorbereidt op een dimensieverschuiving? Het is duidelijk dat DNA-verandering hier een sleutelbegrip is. Het is bewezen dat de mensen met extra DNA-strengen deze 'extra menselijke functies' bezitten. Het is ook duidelijk dat de Aarde, Zon en ons Melkwegstelstel allemaal belangrijke veranderingen doormaken die ons DNA beïnvloeden en ons bewustzijn verhogen. Het lijkt erop dat we gewoon met de stroom mee moeten gaan en deze veranderingen moeten nemen zoals ze komen. De Helderziende Kinderen hebben dit altijd al gezegd.

Bron: The Psychic Children

zaterdag 28 augustus 2010


The Rise of Mass Mind Control in Modern Society

Part One

The Happiness Machines

Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4


Amplify’d from
The Century of the Self
The Rise of Mass Mind Control in Modern Society

Part One
The Happiness Machines

Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4


zondag 22 augustus 2010

Oude Inca ruines

Oude Inca ruines

De oude Inca ruïnes kunnen we op een heel andere manier interpreteren worden dan normaal gesproken gedaan wordt. Met een uitgebreide analyse van de bouwwerken in en bij Cusco, waarbij alle bekende en ook veel onbekende bouwwerken werden meegenomen, kunnen we belangrijke conclusies trekken. Het is de basis en het meest concrete bewijs voor Alfredo Gamarra's ideeën.

Wat zijn de mysteries die door de wetenschap tot op heden niet op een bevredigende manier worden uitgelegd en die we kunnen aantreffen in de zogenaamde Inca ruïnes? Zie de foto's hieronder:


De schaal van de muren en de afmetingen van vele steenblokken


De aanwezigheid van vreemde vormen in de ''levende rots'', alsof er een laserstraal gebruikt is bij het bewerken van de steen

vitrified rock

De aanwezigheid van een sterke reflectie, vanwege een spiegelglad laagje op vele stenen

perfect fitting rocks

De stenen passen precies op elkaar. Op zo'n manier dat er geen speld tussen te krijgen is. Cement werd niet gebruikt en deze muren zijn zeer sterk en aardbeving bestendig

Alternatieve verklaringen

Uiteraard zijn er meerdere meningen over deze fenomenen. Eén extreme opvatting is bijvoorbeeld die van Erich von Däniken. Nadat hij Sacsayhuaman had gezien, zij hij dat we niet weten wanneer dit gemaakt moet zijn, dat het gemaakt is met een technologie die we niet kennen en gemaakt is door mensen die we ook niet kennen. Voor hem genoeg reden om de ruïnes te relateren aan buitenaardse invloeden van lang geleden. Een andere mogelijkheid die wordt genoemd door bijvoorbeeld gidsen, is het gebruik door de Inca's van een plantenextract waarmee ze de planten zouden hebben kunnen oplossen. Iets wat vrij irrationeel is gezien de schaal waarop de fenomenen in de steen voorkomen.

Orthodoxe verklaringen

Een andere uitleg gebruikt door de orthodoxe wetenschap, is dat de Inca's een ander tijdsbesef hadden. Ze zouden daarom in staat geweest zijn de enorme steenblokken, met behulp van duizenden mensen, te transporteren, en ook met zeer veel geduld te slijpen, op zo'n manier dat ze precies op elkaar pasten. Ook de ''verglazing'' wordt zo verklaard, een effect wat bereikt zou kunnen worden met geduldig slijpen. Persoonlijk denk ik dat de Inca's wel wat beter te doen hadden, en nogmaals, de schaal van de bouwwerken met de boven omschreven fenomenen is zodanig (je moet het misschien zelf een keertje gezien hebben!), dat ik deze uitleg niet als logisch kan beschouwen.

Alfredo Gamarra's uitleg

Ok, tijd om te gaan naar de enige logische optie die ik tegen ben gekomen in Cusco: Het visuele bewijs van Alfredo Gamarra's mening, gereflecteerd in alle Inca bouwwerken.

De oude inca bouwwerken uitgelegd

Via een analyse van de oude Inca bouwwerken kunnen we de mysteries uit het verleden ophelderen! Bouwwerken die eigenlijk veel ouder zijn dan de relatief recente Inca tijd, en die voor Alfredo Gamarra de fundamenten leverden voor zijn theorie. Lees over de DVD die we geproduceerd hebben en waarop al het visuele bewijs gezien kan worden.

Andere oude culturen en hun bouwwerken

Het is verbazingwekkend hoe we bij andere oude culturen dezelfde kenmerken tegenkomen. Voorbeelden van over de hele wereld  kunnen we aantreffen.

Geologie mysteries uitgelegd

De geologische mysteries uit het verleden kunnen we begrijpen met Alfredo Gamarra's uitleg. Met andere theorieen kan dit idee verder onderbouwd worden. Lees waarom het bestaan van een kleinere aarde in het verleden bewezen is.

Biologie mysteries uit het verleden uitgelegd

Prehistorische biologie mysteries kunnen we uitleggen met het model van ''de groeiende aarde''. Van alle soorten bestonden er in het verleden grotere vormen, die aan gepast waren aan een kleinere wereld met minder zwaartekracht.

Verglaasde stenen, een fenomeen wat tot nu toe niet goed begrepen wordt en nog niet goed onderzocht is, wordt hier uitgelegd, met vele foto's van de Inca bouwwerken als voorbeelden. Download hier het gratis hoofdstuk over Verglazing van de DVD 'De Kosmologie van de 3 Werelden'.

Mysteries van de eerste taal

Oude talen bestaan in Peru, en dat zijn talen die direct afstammen van de oudste taal ter wereld.


The Boiling Frog Syndrome goes something like this: "If you throw a frog into a pot of boiling water, he will jump out. But if you place a frog into a pot of cold water and and turn the heat on low, it will float there quite placidly. As the water gradually heats up, the frog will sink into a tranquil stupor, exactly like one of us in a hot tub, and before long, with a smile on its face, it will unresistingly allow itself to be boiled to death. Now I'm not sure this really works with frogs, (I couldn't bring my self to find out), but I am certain that it works with people. I believe that we are all sitting in a big pot and the water is beginning to boil.

For the purposes of this examination and metaphoric clarity, this specific pot was filled around the middle of the 18th century. The number of its occupants grew, along with the population, (as the lion's share of the population is in the pot), to its present state, which has become extremely over crowded. The overcrowding of the pot is, in itself, a source of the heat. The fact that the overcrowding is, at least, partially contrived, (see one of my previous essays,Better to Light a Candle), brings me to the conclusion that the bulk of humanity is on the receiving end of a very old and well thought out plan that will allow the instigators to rule the world. By progressively applying the heat so we don't jump out, (revolt) we have been placated, by the economic predators, to serve their needs and be sacrificial lambs. Is it hot in here, or is it just me?

I have, for the past six years, attempted to shed some light on the many travesties and injustices that are being continually perpetrated on the world by "the Dark Side". Through the Silver Bear Cafe, I work tirelessly, (well not exactly tirelessly, in fact right now I'm feeling like I've been "rode hard and put away wet"), trying to sound the alarm, spread the word and bring "We the People's" attention to what I consider a most dire situation. The lack of interest shown by the average citizen exhibits, in great part, the effectiveness of "the Dark Side's" misinformation campaign. Through the successful infiltration of the halls of academia and our educational system, we have been, along with our parents and grandparents, effectively mislead and malinformed. To paraphrase Goethe, there is no one so completely enslaved as the person who thinks he is free. In fact, if you are reading this and have an inkling of what's really going on, and fear for your freedom, you are, IMO, well above average. If you agree with the editorial slant I put on things, you are a kindred soul. If you know and agree with my take on the present state of America, (and for that matter, the world), but you do not spend at least a portion of your time trying to wake up your friends and neighbors to the insidious attempt, by an international cartel of collectivists, to take over the world, you are not part of the solution.

I am, through this essay, attempting to pose, at least for the miniscule minority of whatever free thinkers are left out there, a partial solution. In order to do that, however, I must first attempt, once again, to elucidate the nature the problem. But first, a little background information.

When I was growing up I was introduced to the wonders of Nature. I came to believe that "Natural" was the way things should be. "Unnatural" was the way things shouldn't be.

My dad was raised in a Protestant community in an impoverished Appalachian section of Southwest Virginia. He lived in among a series of mountain valleys, (hollers), that coalesced into a hub where a chapel was. It was called Robbins Chapel. It wasn't really a town, just a chapel. His Protestant upbringing celebrated the Wonder, Grace and Glory of the Almighty.

My mom was raised in North Texas, where she was brought up in a Southern Baptist Church. My youthful recollections of those fire and brimstone sermons seemed to shock me with a fear of the cost of the evils of sin rather than an Reverent Awe of the Wonders of Nature.

Shock and Awe. Two extreme emotions. Not opposites, but each equally effective tools in the purveyance of an awareness, if not an understanding, of abstract concepts.

When I got older, I was introduced to philosophy, through which I gained an understanding of the concepts of good and evil. In those formative years, I began to appreciate the difference between faith and belief, between The Great Spirit and organized religion. Faith is my idea, belief is someone else's. The Great Spirit is free for everyone, organized religion has its costs.

In the Far East there is a large portion of the population that has intertwined religion and philosophy. Adherents of Zen Buddhism follow the tenets of a religion based on the Wonder, Grace and Glory of the Almighty, espoused by a prophet, (in their case, Buddha), while appreciating the need to attain a personal "balance" through the implementation of Zen, a philosophy.

The teachings of Zen center around the attainment of balance. This "balance" is considered the ideal state of being and should be sought from cradle to grave. In order to achieve this balance, one must offset extremes. The balance of Zen is conveyed trough the concepts of Yin and Yang.

ZenThis Symbol, (Yin-Yang), represents the ancient Chinese understanding of how things work. The outer circle represents "everything", while the black and white shapes within the circle represent the interaction of two energies, called "yin" (black) and "yang" (white), which cause everything to happen. They are not completely black or white, just as things in life are not completely black or white, and they cannot exist without each other.

While "yin" would be dark, passive, downward, cold, contracting, and weak, "yang" would be bright, active, upward, hot, expanding, and strong. The shape of the yin and yang sections of the symbol, actually gives you a sense of the continual movement of these two energies, yin to yang and yang to yin, causing everything to happen: just as things expand and contract, and temperature changes from hot to cold.

Designations of Yin or Yang are made only in relation to each other. There are no absolutes. For example, the sun is bigger, brighter and hotter (Yang) in relation to the earth which is smaller, darker and cooler (Yin). However, the earth is more Yang in relation to the moon. Zen prescribes that Yang is the center and Yin is away from the center. Through a gradual understanding of Zen, one gains the ability to identify influences and tendencies.

As stated above there is no such thing as an absolute in the universe. Take for example hot and cold. There is no absolute hot or absolute cold. There is heat, or the absence of heat. There is no absolute good and no absolute evil. Evil is the absence of Good. Stay with me here. I'm going to get back to the frogs in a minute.

Here's an example. The female gender is yin. The male gender is yang. Females tend to gravitate towards the center, which is home and family, (Yang.) Men tend to be out going and bent on exploration and discovery, (Yin). These are natural tendencies and are mostly acted upon in a subconscious attempt to balance. If we remain healthy, we naturally gravitate to balance. Satisfaction is Yang, (towards the center). Temptation is Yin, (a pull away from center). Domination is Yin, (a reaching out away from center). The Devil is Yin. If we consider the Seven Deadly Sins we find that a pattern emerges in relation to the extremes of Yin and Yang.

1.) Pride is Yin, Humility is Yang

2.) Envy is Yin, Love is Yang

3.) Wrath/Anger is Yin, Kindness is Yang

4.) Sloth is Yin, Zeal is Yang

5.) Avarice / Greed is Yin, Generosity is Yang

6.) Gluttony is Yin, Temperance is Yang

7.) Lust is Yin, Self Control is Yang

By attempting to temper our wants, needs, and emotions, we naturally gravitate towards balance. In nature, everything gravitates towards balance. Or present society, however, seems to be increasingly imbalanced, which is not natural. Just as there are external forces that influence you, (i.e.. hot / cold ), there are also external forces that affect your choices.

It is my contention that "the Dark Side" is responsible for having created unnatural conditions that are adversely affecting the natural balance of the whole world. There are forces at work that are messing with Mother Nature. And, as we all know, it's not nice to mess with Mother Nature.

Which brings me back to Good and Evil.

I have a stock broker friend who was, apparently, schooled to view the world as one big trade. Each trade had two sides. The buyer, and the seller. But he also tends to think of each trade as being made up of a winner, and a loser. There is something strangely human about the concept of winners and losers. In the food chain there are predators and prey, but only among humans are there winners and losers. When we eat an ear of corn, we do not consider the corn to be a loser. When we have a nice juicy steak, we do not consider the cow to be a loser, (I realize that there are some among us that do, but I believe that they are confused). Anyway, my broker friend believes that in order for him to win, someone must lose. If he is correct, then my utopian dream of a win win situation could be just that, a dream.

In numerous essays that I have penned, preceding this one, I have identified those forces concerned with predatory economics and finance, and world domination, as "the Dark Side". My continuing research has not only more clearly defined their motives, but has more clearly defined their methods as well. Oh, by the way, although I realize that what follows smacks of "conspiracy", my exploration has provided me with an undeniable epiphanic understanding.

The earliest historical references to "the Dark Side" that I have found came from the bible. In Matthew 21:12-13 we are told that "Jesus entered the Temple area and drove out all who were buying and selling there. He overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves. 'It is written,' he said to them, 'My house will be called a house of prayer but you are making it a den of robbers.'"

Christ drove the Money Changers from the Temple in Jerusalem, twice. Throughout the whole of the New Testament, these two instances were the only times that he resorted to physical violence. What was it about the money changers that caused them to occupy "the Dark Side"? What is a money changer anyway? Why would anyone need their money changed? What were they doing in the Temple?

Well it turns out that most people, 2000 years ago, either worshiped which ever Caesar sat on the throne of Rome at the time, or Pagan Deities, (any target of worship outside the realm of "The One God"). The Jews were in the the great minority.

Rather than tithing in a modern sense, the Jews were compelled to pay a temple tax. The Priests that ran the temple felt that the only coinage that was acceptable to God were coins that were pure silver, (it's amazing how long ago that fact was realized), and didn't sport the likeness of a Caesar or Pagan deity. The only coins that "fit the bill" in those days were coins, made up of 1/2 ounce of pure silver, called half shekels.

These money changers were a group of opportunists who chose to prey on the Jews. Knowing that in order to comply with the rules of the temple, they had to have this certain form of coin, the money changers would buy them all up and then charge exorbitant fees to convert what ever coinage the Jews possessed into shekels. Jesus viewed this practice as a violation of the Sanctity of God's temple and initiated the first recorded battle between the Faithful Good and the Economic Evil.

The Money Changers have always been the members of society that create, exchange and manipulate the quantity of money. I'm not talking about the hard working prospectors and miners, through whose toil the quantity of gold and silver was increased, but rather a group of imbalanced predators who employed dishonesty and deceit to ply their trades. During the 15th and 16th centuries, the Money Changers took the form of goldsmiths.

These goldsmiths became the first bankers as they started keeping other peoples gold and silver in their vaults for safekeeping. Because the goldsmiths worked in large quantities of gold and silver, security prescribed the possession of a vault. A business grew up around these vaults, as they were obviously a seemingly safe place for others to store their precious metals as well. The goldsmiths would, for a small fee, (interest), store a clients deposits and provide, in return, a receipt for the amount of the deposit.

These receipts began to be exchanged for goods and services as they provided a more convenient way to transfer value than constant trips to the vault. Unfortunately, the corruptable Yin influences of lust, avarice, greed and domination proved to be too strong to resist and all attempts of honesty and balance were abandoned.

Goldsmiths began to realize that only a small portion of their depositors ever exchanged their receipts of deposit for the actual bullion, at the same time, so the goldsmiths started lending out some their depositors bullion for additional interest. This, dear readers, is where the whole thing went wrong. The loaning of someone elses property for a profit, without their knowlege, is undeniably deceitfull and dishonest. It is the point when tiny bubbles started to appear on the bottom of the pot. It is also when the devil got involved.

The Devil had originally been an Angel, and, the transgressions that led to this Angel's "fall from grace" were a result of his abuse of his station by conducting dishonest business deals. There are accounts of other Angels that fell from grace in the New Testament, but the greatest of the fallen angels was known as Lucifer, the 'Bearer of Light' or a (spirit) being of extraordinary brilliance (Isaiah 14:12), 'the Illuminator', or 'the Morning Star'. This is the "invisible" power giving rise to this end time social system (Rev.13:2). Because the nature of his transgressions were deemed to be the most heinous, he was was cast out of heaven to rule eternally in hell.

The nature of his disobedience is found in the book of Ezekiel 28:14-19

I created you as a cherub with outstretched shielding wings; and you resided on ETERNAL’s holy mountain; you walked among stones of fire. You were blameless in your ways, from the day you were created until wrongdoing was found in you. By your far-flung commerce you were filled with lawlessness and you sinned. So I have struck you down from the mountain of ETERNAL and I have destroyed you, O shielding cherub from among the stones of fire. You grew haughty because of your beauty, you debased your wisdom for the sake of your splendor; I have cast you to the ground, I have made you an object for kings to stare at. By the greatness of your guilt, through the dishonesty of your trading, you desecrated your sanctuaries. So I made fire issue from you and it has devoured you; I have reduced you to ashes on the ground, in the sight of all who behold you. All who knew you among the peoples are appalled at your doom. You have become a horror and have ceased to be, forever.

Lucifer had been mucking up the sanctity of heaven, in the eyes of the Lord, just as the money changers had been mucking up the sanctity of the temple in Jesus' eyes for the same reason! Lucifer was the spiritual embodiment of the first economic predator.

Yes, Virginia, there is an Illuminati

OK. Lets say I come to you with an offer. I'm a member of a secret club and some of the other members and myself have been watching you. We have decided that you may have what it takes to qualify for membership, so we would like you to come to one of our meetings and get to know some of the other members. You know, take a look around, see what our club is all about, and decide for yourself whether or not you would be interested in joining.

I would assume that your first few questions would go something like this; What do you mean, a club? Have I ever heard of it? Who else is in it that I might know . What's it for? Why is it secret? Why would I want to join? Your not in to something illegal I hope.

And I respond, no, no, its not anything illegal, it's just that the aspirations and goals of the membership might upset some people. You know, the ones who just don't get it. But we have decided from watching you, that you might just get it. Would you like to hear more?

I expect that you, like most curious people, would be interested in what is was I was talking about, and what it was about you that appealed to apparent strangers. So you agree to come to a meeting.

When we get to the meeting your are greeted by attractive, intelligent, well heeled people that are charming, polite, and most importantly, well to do. If fact, you recognize some of the people there as wealthy businessmen, civic leaders, and politicians. You feel flattered that such a group might consider you for membership, so you listen raptly as the plan is explained.

The principle object of the Association is to convey, to its members, the unconstrained knowledge that comes with illumination. This illumination, which the Association imparts to its members, will gradually free you from all religious prejudices, it will allow you to cultivate your social virtues, which will, in turn, provide you with the opportunity to attain universal happiness in a state of liberty and moral equality, freed from the obstacles which subordination, rank, and riches continually throw in our way. Our main object is to save the world. Save it from the strife and tribulation that is inherent in the evolution of societies everywhere. We want to rid the world of the scourge of war, pestilence and famine. It is apparent to us that these goals will require a host of enlightened individuals to govern and shepard the masses. To this end we are committed and will do whatever necessary to bring our goals and aspirations to fruition. We feel that you possess the breeding, and have already exhibited the the high moral standards necessary to become a member of our order.

But wait. Don't decide yet. It gets better. Our organization is very old. Many generations of the order have been toiling tirelessly to have accomplished what has already been done. We are extremely well founded and extremely well funded. in fact, in return for your undying loyalty and devotion, you will be availed a great many favors. We need members who can attain, or have already attained, positions of influence in society. Influence in our commerce and industry. influence in our educational systems, as well as political influence. These influences are needed so that we can make the necessary transitions as seamlessly as possible.

In order for you to accomplish this, the order can use its considerable influence to make very low cost loans at your disposal. The order will set you up in the business of your choice. If you already have a business, we can practically insure its on-going success by not only funding its expansion, but also by referring other members to your business as associates and clients. We can even suggest issues you should invest in that will return a tidy profit above and beyond the nominal interest rate you will be paying for the use of your capital.

But don't decide yet, there's still more. in order to insure a fresh crop of members in the future, the order has set up special schools where your children can receive to very best education available anywhere. These schools have been educating princes, governors, heads of state, titans of business, and the heads of academia for many generations. We can pledge our perpetual support and protection for you, your family, and your progeny for generations to come. So, what do you think?

At this point, I expect that you would feel a bit overwhelmed at the realization that such an order existed and had been around for so many years. "So", you might ask. "What's the catch?" And, yes Virginia, there is one small catch. In order to join this group, you, like all the other members of our order, will have to sell your soul to the devil.

" The Rothschilds conquered the world more thoroughly, more cunningly, and much more lastingly than all the Caesars before. It was precisely their international character that gave the Rothschild banks unique advantages over national banks and governments, and that was precisely what rulers and national parliaments should have prohibited, but did not. This remains true of international or multinational banks to this very day, and is the driving force of globalization - the push for one-world government."


When I got started on this essay, I intended to historically document the rise of the House of Rothschild, and exhibit the means, motives and methods by which they instigated the formation of the Illuminati and have since been the primary force behind the growth of the world wide stranglehold they presently have on governments and industry. I spent several weeks researching the ties between the family and the other well known participants. What I have found may be shocking to some of you. I decided not to include the specific chronological data in this essay as it proved to be too long of a read for one sitting. If you would like to see how far I've gotten with that research, please follow this link.

Now back to the Yin - Yang of things. There was a time when the earth was populated by a bunch of tribes. The very notion of a tribe is Yang. A tribe is a self nurturing, self sufficient entity. A tribe is a naturally balanced, healthy cultural group. In the oldest tribes still existing, we find that there is no need to invent laws, as the laws necessary for tribal order have been passed down, through generations, from the elders. The Kurds, and the Shia, and the Sunnies, three distinct tribes in Iraq, each have had very healthy, self serving tenets that have successfully provided for the well being of individual tribe members for thousands of years. Their current problems all stem from a foreign power attempting to force them to assimilate. This also holds true for all tribes, throughout modern history, that have been eradicated, and they have been eradicated by the same people working towards the same goal.

Assimilate into what? The answer to that question provides the source of the problem. Instead of calling it the "the Dark Side", let just call it "the BORG". The forced assimilation of all cultures, into one culture, rings of Star Trek.

The Borg are without question one of the most fearsome and relentless forces in the Milky Way galaxy. A massive society of cybernetic automatons abducted and assimilated from thousands of species, the Borg Collective is intent on achieving "perfection" by spreading its influence into every corner of space, consuming technologies and individuals without conscience, obliterating entire civilizations in its wake. And it has a particular interest in incorporating the human race into its "Hive." Captain Jean Luc Picard, U.S.S. Enterprise-D

Who is doing the forcing? Certainly not you, or me. No, it is the work of the Collectivists, the One Worlders, the New World Order. Their quest for world domination, which is, by the way, all Yin and no Yang, has unbalanced the world, and all its inhabitants as well. The forced cultural diversification of our country has rendered us tribal-less. Forced cultural diversification is the scourge of individualism as it strips us of our tribal vitality. It is designed to cause the gradual elimination of all Collectivist opposition. We, as a group, have lost concern for tribal nurturing. We, as individuals, are losing our support groups. Without our support groups, we are alone and helpless. We have been unknowingly led away from any rational balance. Yang should be our focus. Survival is the most Yang thing we can attempt. "Resistance is futile", is the message from "the BORG".

So how about the frogs? We are the frogs. The water in the pot is steaming. Will we wake up to the truth of this situation, or will we be cooked alive? Will we continue to allow ourselves to be assimilated, our will we get the hell out of the pot? Will we allow "the BORG" to continue to rule our lives with their devil spawned fiat tyranny, or will we face up to our responsibility to the whole of humanity and smite down the demons. Will we insist that gold be returned to its rightful place as the standard of all currencies, or we we allow the tyrants to steal all that we have until there is nothing left? Do you want to be Good or Evil? The bad guys have already made their choice. It's us against them.

ostritchIts not what you don't know that will screw you up, it's what you know that is wrong. The spin you hear from the mainstream media is intended to mislead you. Open your eyes and face the future. If you leave your head in the sand and ignore it, you are only leaving your butt exposed for the world to kick. This all may sound like gloom and doom, but when you get a handle on what is going to happen, you will have a future filled with opportunity. Fortune favors the Informed.

maandag 16 augustus 2010

What no UFO?!

Exopolitics UK Logo

What no UFO?!

Why Exopolitics could be the lens for viewing Omega Point culture.

Although many people found themselves introduced to the arena we call ‘conspiracy theory' in the wake of September 11th 2001, it doesn't take long for us to see that similar events are littered throughout history and are the staple tool for achieving power and influence in evolutionary terms. The difference today is that the grand chessboard can be observed and to an extent interacted with in real time, from any location and by any individual. This hyper-information flow has almost become a cliché but it's a process simply mirroring the complexities thrown out by an increasingly unsure, accelerating geopolitical culture.

Those of us who question things in a different way than the majority will I'm sure have discussed with others in those more reflective moments how we intuitively feel that some sort of fundamental shift is on the horizon of the collective psyche. We're all feeling a ‘back-wash' of this eschatological incident - what Terence McKenna called the ‘transcendental object at the end of time'. Part of this process involves shedding of the old - thus what we are witnessing are the contradictions in contemporary systems beginning to show. These manifest in media-ready concepts such as "the collapse of Communism" or "the rise of new terrorism" but the irony is that the previously offered alternatives or solutions don't work either. The illusion of choice or reliance on binary logic and the Hegelian process no longer applies. Instead, in order to get a slippery grasp on reality, we require new modes of research and exploration. Like Exopolitics, these new lenses let us build what I've called a mosaic of data-points in order to model what we see around us instead of relying on fixed, Newtonian views of the universe.

The ‘politics' in Exo//politics functions primarily with a small ‘p'. These days we're all aware that formal or big ‘p' Politics may claim to govern our lives but it's really just a fraction of the political influences out there. The real definition of politics simply means the interactive flow of decision making communication between self and Other. Alfred Webre re-invigorated the concept with his book ‘Exopolitics' at the turn of the millennium. He divides the field into an activist role and a science role - the two coming together to produce a novel and pro-active way of dealing with the mosaic of connections and possibilities we've mentioned. With Exopolitics though, the idea of activism has changed from its common image of waving placards and science has less to do with true/fake evidence loops and more an association with ‘new physics' or quantum mechanics. It's this emerging paradigm that you should see represented in gatherings such as Exopolitics Leeds and numerous others around the globe. Ultimately Exopolitics is a dynamic, organic discipline - capable of incorporating every aspect of cutting edge research - whether these are based in anthropology, politics, science or art - these are all facets of consciousness. As is stated on the front page of the UK national site - there is a war on consciousness and this is where our differences fade as we engage in a more than metaphorical battle for truth.

You'll notice that I've yet to mention either the term "extra-terrestrial" or "UFO" and that's deliberate. It's not that these elements aren't important - they're core to our discussion - it's more the point that Exopolitics is not a new form of UFOlogy or a ‘cultural' version of say Exo-biology but instead it's a framework in its own right for filtering information that now happens to see these elements as part of consensus reality. Larry Warren once said that the ET/UFO issue is a human rights issue and he's making the same point I'm attempting here i.e.: the scope of the field is greater than the concepts it aims to include. We see Exopolitics in a tangible sense in operation with the case of truth seeker Gary McKinnon. Gary's plight exemplifies why this area is about human rights as he was driven primarily because he believed all of us [including the poor and vulnerable] would benefit from the new, advanced energy systems that are inextricably linked to off-planet intelligences and the objects they appear to zip about in. Ironically Gary's belief in the fact that closeted technology should be brought into the light for the collective good led to his own human right to exist being threatened. Gary and the numerous other casualties of the ET/UFO truth-embargo are victim not of their own actions but of our own inability to define our priorities and hold those misanthropic minorities who see themselves as ‘separate' firmly to account.

New ways of viewing the world are fast coming into place and Exopolitics is just one of many. In my view it pulls itself ahead of other frameworks not only because, by default, it incorporates examination of areas previously considered taboo like black budget funding, conspiracy models, free-energy and evolutionary intervention theory but purely by placing the issue of non-terrestrial visitation at it's core. It's only when you to a long hard look at the world using this model that you begin to peel away the layers and see just how central this theme is to geopolitical decision making but also how closely aligned "the UFO" as an icon is to our own higher consciousness.

It's time to grow-up as a society and face the fact we're at a crucial stage in the evolutionary scheme of things. The fact that we're being engaged on multiple levels by advanced, off-planet entities is the elephant in the room of this process and no amount of fearfully pretending it ain't there is going to make it go away.

David Griffin

Written for Introduction to Leeds Conference - June 2009

UK Exopolitics Initiative.


donderdag 12 augustus 2010

Hopi Prophecies: Great Catastrophe and then Pahana will return

Amplify’d from

Hopi Prophecies: Great Catastrophe and then Pahana will return

The signs include the 'sea turning black'.

See more at

woensdag 11 augustus 2010


Amplify’d from

This three-hour documentary series proves the existence of Mu, the Motherland of Man, how that all ancient religion was taken from the Motherland at one point or another, introduced to these civilizations which were her colonies, and gradually fell away from the real teaching as nefarious priest-classes used the knowledge to gain power over their populaces...

Lemuria: The Hidden History of Mankind's Motherland from James on Vimeo.



Hundreds of titles from these websites:

Master video list by Myspace members OWN-the-NWO and Masterpiece

opposing digits vlog page

Watch This First:

Freedom to Fascism Movie Trailer

Aaron Russo Interview

Other titles, in no particular order: (more to be added as I get around to it)

Alex Jones' Martial Law 9-11 downloadable version here

Music Video - Robert Cray "Twenty"

eye of the storm - police state

Vaccination - The Hidden Truth produced by Vaccination Information service

Peace, Propaganda & The Promised Land

Everybody's gotta learn sometime alternate link here filmmaker's website:

Jordan Maxwell on America's Decline into Fascism (80 seconds)

The Occult World Of Commerce

Jim Marrs - Rule by Secrecy

Money, Banking and the Federal Reserve producer's website:

Behold a Pale Horse - William Cooper related website:

Dave VonKleist 911 in Plane Site

Dave VonKleist (The Producer of 911 In Plane Site) Confronting The Evidence

The Revolution Will Not Be Televised

Jerry Smith - HAARP BBLC-TV website:

The Grand Decepition (Music Video) by Mypace member PROFOUND

Where R The PPL (music video)

9-11: Who Killed John O'Neill

9-11 eyewitness

Robert Newman's History of Oil

David Icke: The Bohemian Grove & Mind Control Rituals

Michael Tsarion:

The Origins of Evil

The Subversive Use of Sacred Symbolism in the Media

The Destruction of Atlantis

Sherry Peel Jackson - Breaking The Invisible Shackles Of The IRS

9-11: Press for Truth

One World Government - A look into the future


The Great Hall of the ancient Library of Alexandria in Egypt.

A reconstruction based on scholarly evidence

The Royal Library of Alexandria was once the largest in the world. It is usually assumed to have been founded at the beginning of the 3rd century BC during the reign of Ptolemy II of Egypt after his father had set up the temple of the Muses, the Musaeum (whence we get "Museum"). The initial organization is attributed to Demetrius Phalereus, and is estimated to have stored at its peak 400,000 to 700,000 parchment scrolls. The library's destruction remains a mystery. A new library was inaugurated in 2003, near the site of the old library.

One story holds that the Library was seeded with Aristotle's own private collection, through one of his students, Demetrius Phalereus. Another concerns how its collection grew so large. By decree of Ptolemy III of Egypt, all visitors to the city were required to surrender all books and scrolls in their possession; these writings were then swiftly copied by official scribes. The originals were put into the Library, and the copies were delivered to the previous owners. While encroaching on the rights of the traveler or merchant, it also helped to create a reservoir of books in the relatively new city.

The Library's contents were likely distributed over several buildings, with the main library either located directly attached to or close to the oldest building, the Museum, and a daughter library in the younger Serapeum, also a temple dedicated to the god Serapis. Carlton Welch provides the following description of the main library based on the existing historical records:

    A covered marble colonnade connected the Museum with an adjacent stately building, also in white marble and stone, architecturally harmonious, indeed forming an integral part of the vast pile, dedicated to learning by the wisdom of the first Ptolemy in following the advice and genius of Demetrios of Phaleron. This was the famous Library of Alexandria, the "Mother" library of the Museum, the Alexandriana, truly the foremost wonder of the ancient world. Here in ten great Halls, whose ample walls were lined with spacious armaria, numbered and titled, were housed the myriad manuscripts containing the wisdom, knowledge, and information, accumulated by the genius of the Hellenic peoples. Each of the ten Halls was assigned to a separate department of learning embracing the assumed ten divisions of Hellenic knowledge as may have been found in the Catalogue of Callimachus of Greek Literature in the Alexandrian Library, the farfamed Pinakes. The Halls were used by the scholars for general research, although there were smaller separate rooms for individuals or groups engaged in special studies.

In 2004 a Polish-Egyptian team claimed to have discovered part of the library while excavating in the Bruchion region. The archaeologists claimed to have found thirteen "lecture halls", each with a central podium. Zahi Hawass, president of Egypt's Supreme Council of Antiquities said that all together, the rooms uncovered so far could have seated 5000 students.

    The Bibliotheca Alexandrina, partly submerged in a pool of water, tries to live up to an ancient tradition. It stands where archaeologists believe the library of the Ptolemies stood some 1,700 years ago. Read more from BBC News - 2004

To commemorate the ancient library, the government of Egypt has built a major library and museum complex at Alexandria, called the Bibliotheca Alexandrina.

Destruction of the Great Library

One of the reasons so little is known about the Library is that it was lost centuries after its creation. All that is left of many of the volumes are tantalizing titles that hint at all the history lost from the building's destruction. Few events in ancient history are as controversial as the destruction of the Library, as the historical record is both contradictory and incomplete. Not surprisingly, the Great Library became a symbol for knowledge itself, and its destruction was attributed to those who were portrayed as ignorant barbarians, often for purely political reasons.

Much of the debate rests on a different understanding of what constituted the actual Library. Large parts of the Library were likely decentralized, so it is appropriate also to speak of the "Alexandrian libraries".

Both the Serapeum, a temple and daughter library, and the Museum itself existed until about AD 400. Only if one believes the Museum to be distinct from the Great Library, an event of destruction prior to that point becomes plausible.

One account of such an event of destruction concerns Julius Caesar. During his invasion of Alexandria in 47 48 BC, Caesar set the enemy fleet in the harbor on fire. Some historians believe that this fire spread into the city and destroyed the entire library. While this interpretation is now a minority view, it is based on several ancient sources, all of which were written at least about 150 years after the destruction supposedly took place. Edward Parsons has analyzed the Caesar theory in his book The Alexandrian Library and summarizes the sources as follows:

A final summary is interesting: of the 16 writers, ten -- Caesar himself, the author of the Alexandrian War, Cicero, Strabo, Livy (as far as we know), Lucan, Florus, Suetonius, Appian, and even Athenaeus -- apparently knew nothing of the burning of the Museum, of the Library, or of Books during Caesar's visit to Egypt; and six tell of the incident as follows:

    1. Seneca (AD 49), the first writer to mention it (and that nearly 100 years after the alleged event), definitely says that 40,000 books were burned.2. Plutarch (c. 117) says that the fire destroyed the great Library.

    3. Aulus Gellius (123 - 169) says that during the "sack" of Alexandria 700,000 volumes were all burned.

    4. Dio Cassius (155 - 235) says that storehouses containing grain and books were burned, and that these books were of great number and excellence.

    5. Ammianus Marcellinus (390) says that in the "sack" of the city 70,000 volumes were burned.6. Orosius (c. 415), the last writer, singularly confirms Seneca as to number and the thing destroyed: 40,000 books.

Of all the sources, Plutarch is the only one to refer explicitly to the destruction of the Library. Plutarch was also the first writer to refer to Caesar by name. Ammianus Marcellinus' account seems to be directly based on Aulus Gellius because the wording is almost the same.

The majority of ancient historians, even those strongly politically opposed to Caesar, give no account of the alleged massive disaster. Cecile Orru argued in "Antike Bibliotheken" (2002, edited by Wolfgang Höpfner) that Caesar could not have destroyed the Library because it was located in the royal quarter of the city, where Caesar's troops were fortified after the fire (which would not have been possible if the fire had spread to that location).

Furthermore, the Library was a very large stone building and the scrolls were stored away in armaria (and some of them put in capsules), so it is hard to see how a fire in the harbor could have affected a significant part of its contents. Lastly, modern archaeological finds have confirmed an extensive ancient water supply network which covered the major parts of the city, including, of course, the royal quarter.

The destruction of the library is attributed by some historians to a period of civil war in the late 3rd century AD -- but we know that the Museum, which was adjacent to the library, survived until the 4th century. There are also allegations dating to medieval times that claim that Caliph Omar, during an invasion in the 7th century, ordered the Library to be destroyed, but these claims are generally regarded as a Christian attack on Muslims, and include many indications of fabrication, such as the claim that the contents of the Library took six months to burn in Alexandria's public baths. The legend of Caliph Omar's destruction of the library provides the classical example of a dilemma: Omar is reported to have said that if the books of the library did not contain the teachings of the Qur'an, they were useless and should be destroyed; if the books did contain the teachings of the Qur'an, they were superfluous and should be destroyed.

Evidence for the existence of the Library after Caesar

As noted above, it is generally accepted that the Museum of Alexandria existed until c. AD 400, and if the Museum and the Library are considered to be largely identical or attached to one another, earlier accounts of destruction could only concern a small number of books stored elsewhere. This is consistent with the number given by Seneca, much smaller than the overall volume of books in the Library. So under this interpretation it is plausible that, for example, books stored in a warehouse near the harbor were accidentally destroyed by Caesar, and that larger numbers cited in some works have to be considered unreliable -- misinterpretations by the medieval monks who preserved these works through the Middle Ages, or deliberate forgeries.

Even if one considers the Museum and the Library to be very much separate, there is considerable evidence that the Library continued to exist after the alleged destruction. Plutarch, who claimed the Great Library was destroyed (150 years after the alleged incident), in Life of Antony describes the later transfer of the second largest library to Alexandria by Mark Antony as a gift to Cleopatra. He quotes Calvisius as claiming "that [Mark Antony] had given her the library of Pergamus, containing two hundred thousand distinct volumes", although he himself finds Calvisius' claims hard to believe. In "Einführung in die Überlieferungsgeschichte" (1994, p. 39), Egert Pöhlmann cites further expansions of the Alexandrian libraries by Caesar Augustus (in the year AD 12) and Claudius (AD 41-54). Even if the most extreme allegations against Caesar were true, this raises the question of what happened to these volumes.

The continued existence of the Library is also supported by an ancient inscription found in the early 20th century, dedicated to Tiberius Claudius Balbillus of Rome (d. AD 56). As noted in the "Handbuch der Bibliothekswissenschaft" (Georg Leyh, Wiesbaden 1955):

    "We have to understand the office which Ti. Claudius Balbillus held [...], which included the title 'supra Museum et ab Alexandrina bibliotheca', to have combined the direction of the Museum with that of the united libraries, as an academy."

Athenaeus (c. AD 200) wrote in detail in the Deipnosophistai about the wealth of Ptolemy II (309-246 BC) and the type and number of his ships. When it came to the Library and Museum, he wrote: "Why should I now have to point to the books, the establishment of libraries and the collection in the Museum, when this is in every man's memory?" Given the context of his statement, and the fact that the Museum still existed at the time, it is clear that Athenaeus cannot have referred to any event of destruction -- he considered both facilities to be so famous that it was not necessary for him to describe them in detail. We must therefore conclude that at least some of the Alexandrian libraries were still in operation at the time.

Destruction of the pagan temples by Theophilus

In the late 4th century, persecution of pagans by Christians had reached new levels of intensity. Temples and statues were destroyed throughout the Roman Empire, pagan rituals forbidden under punishment of death, and libraries closed. In 391, Emperor Theodosius ordered the destruction of all pagan temples, and Patriarch Theophilus of Alexandria complied with this request. Socrates Scholasticus provides the following account of the destruction of the temples in Alexandria:

    "Demolition of the Idolatrous Temples at Alexandria, and the Consequent Conflict between the Pagans and Christians. At the solicitation of Theophilus bishop of Alexandria the emperor issued an order at this time for the demolition of the heathen temples in that city; commanding also that it should be put in execution under the direction of Theophilus. Seizing this opportunity, Theophilus exerted himself to the utmost to expose the pagan mysteries to contempt."And to begin with, he caused the Mithreum to be cleaned out, and exhibited to public view the tokens of its bloody mysteries. Then he destroyed the Serapeum, and the bloody rites of the Mithreum he publicly caricatured; the Serapeum also he showed full of extravagant superstitions, and he had the phalli of Priapus carried through the midst of the forum.

    "Thus this disturbance having been terminated, the governor of Alexandria, and the commander-in-chief of the troops in Egypt, assisted Theophilus in demolishing the heathen temples. These were therefore razed to the ground, and the images of their gods molten into pots and other convenient utensils for the use of the Alexandrian church; for the emperor had instructed Theophilus to distribute them for the relief of the poor.

    "All the images were accordingly broken to pieces, except one statue of the god before mentioned, which Theophilus preserved and set up in a public place; 'Lest,' said he, 'at a future time the heathens should deny that they had ever worshiped such gods.'"

5th century scroll which illustrates the destruction of the Serapeum by Theophilus

(source: Christopher Haas: Alexandria in late antiquity, Baltimore 1997)The Serapeum housed part of the Library, but it is not known how many books were contained in it at the time of destruction. Notably, Paulus Orosius admitted in his History against the pagans:

    "Today there exist in temples book chests which we ourselves have seen, and, when these temples were plundered, these, we are told, were emptied by our own men in our time, which, indeed, is a true statement."

Some books may have been stolen, therefore, but any books that existed in the Serapeum at the time would have been destroyed when it was razed to the ground.

As for the Museum, Mostafa El-Abbadi writes in Life and Fate of the ancient Library of Alexandria (Paris 1992):

    "The Mouseion, being at the same time a 'shrine of the Muses', enjoyed a degree of sanctity as long as other pagan temples remained unmolested. Synesius of Cyrene, who studied under Hypatia at the end of the fourth century, saw the Mouseion and described the images of the philosophers in it. We have no later reference to its existence in the fifth century. As Theon, the distinguished mathematician and father of Hypatia, herself a renowned scholar, was the last recorded scholar-member (c. 380), it is likely that the Mouseion did not long survive the promulgation of Theodosius' decree in 391 to destroy all pagan temples in the City."


There is a growing consensus among historians that the Library of Alexandria likely suffered from several destructive events, but that the destruction of Alexandria's pagan temples in the late 4th century was probably the most severe and final one. The evidence for that destruction is the most definitive and secure. Caesar's invasion may well have led to the loss of some 40,000-70,000 scrolls in a warehouse adjacent to the port (as Luciano Canfora argues, they were likely copies produced by the Library intended for export), but it is unlikely to have affected the Library or Museum, given that there is ample evidence that both existed later.

Civil wars, decreasing investments in maintenance and acquisition of new scrolls and generally declining interest in non-religious pursuits likely contributed to a reduction in the body of material available in the Library, especially in the fourth century. The Serapeum was certainly destroyed by Theophilus in 391, and the Museum and Library may have fallen victim to the same campaign.

If indeed a Christian mob was responsible for the destruction of the Library, the question remains why Plutarch casually referred to the destruction of "the great library" by Caesar in his Life of Caesar. As noted in the Wikipedia article on Plutarch, Plutarch was patronized by influential Romans, including important Senators, to whom some of Plutarch's writings were dedicated. Such patrons would likely have appreciated laying the blame on the relatively populist Julius Caesar. It is also important to note that most surviving ancient works, including Plutarch, were copied throughout the Middle Ages by Christian monks. During this copying process, errors have sometimes been made, and some have argued that deliberate forgery is not out of the question, especially for politically sensitive issues. Other explanations are certainly possible, and the fate of the Library will continue to be the subject of much heated historical debate.

Other libraries of the ancient world

  • The libraries of Ugarit, ca 1200 BC, include diplomatic archives, literary works and the earliest privately-owned libraries yet recovered.

  • The library of King Ashurbanipal, in Nineveh‹ Considered to be "the first systematically collected library", it was rediscovered in the 19th century. While the library had been destroyed, many fragments of the ancient cuneiform tables survived, and have been reconstructed. Large portions of the Epic of Gilgamesh were among the many finds.

  • The Villa of the Papyri, in Herculaneum‹ One of the largest private libraries of the early Roman Empire. Thought to have been destroyed in the eruption of Mount Vesuvius. Rediscovered in 1752, the contents of the library were found to have been carbonized. Using modern techniques, the scrolls are currently being meticulously unrolled, and the writing deciphered.

  • At Pergamum the Attalid kings formed the second best Hellenistic library after Alexandria, founded in emulation of the Ptolemies. When the Ptolemies stopped exporting papyrus, partly because of competitors and partly because of shortages, the Pergamenes invented a new substance to use in codices, called pergamum or parchment after the city. This was made of fine calfskin, a predecessor of vellum and paper.

  • Caesarea Palaestina had a great early Christian library. Through Origen and the scholarly priest Pamphilus, the theological school of Caesarea won a reputation for having the most extensive ecclesiastical library of the time, containing more than 30,000 manuscripts: Gregory, Basil the Great, Jerome and others came to study there.Reference and additional links - Wikipedia