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dinsdag 30 november 2010
zondag 28 november 2010
Diplomatieke post VS op straat door Wikileaks
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Klokkenluiderswebsite WikiLeaks heeft via internationale media documenten vrijgegeven over het diplomatieke verkeer tussen Washington en de Amerikaanse ambassades wereldwijd. De Embassy Files verschenen op de website van onder meer The New York Times en The Guardian.
Enkele belangrijke conclusies:
•Arabische leiders drongen aan op een aanval op Iran
•Amerikaanse functionarissen hebben de opdracht gekregen om de VN te bespioneren
•De Iraanse president Ahmadinejad wordt vergeleken met Hitler. Iran heeft hoogwaardige raketten gekocht van Noord-Korea die West-Europa kunnen bereiken
•De Russische president Poetin heeft banden met de georganiseerde misdaad
•Saudi-Arabië blijft een belangrijke sponsor van terreurgroepen als al-Qaida
•China heeft geprobeerd om Amerikaanse computernetwerken te saboteren en zoekmachine Google plat te leggen
Kort na de publicatie kwam het Witte Huis al met een afkeurende reactie. De publicatie werd "roekeloos en gevaarlijk" genoemd. De Amerikaanse regering deed er de afgelopen week alles aan om de publicatie tegen te gaan. Vanochtend nog werd een brief vrijgegeven die gericht was aan WikiLeaks-oprichter Julian Assange. Hem werd te verstaan gegeven dat hij de Amerikaanse wet overtreedt en met de openbaarmaking van de documenten mensenlevens in gevaar brengt.
Geen topgeheim
Voorafgaand aan de publicatie in de kranten en tijdschriften was al gelekt dat de Embassy Files 251.287 berichten en 8000 documenten omvatten. Eén bericht zou uit 1966stammen, de meeste zijn van na 2004. Verder komen 9005 documenten uit de eerste twee maanden van dit jaar.
Geen van de berichten in de Embassy Files zou de kwalificatie 'topgeheim' hebben. Wel komt het gewone 'geheim' voor. Veertig procent van de documenten heeft de kwalificatie 'vertrouwelijk'. De helft heeft geen kwalificatie.
De website van WikiLeaks is momenteel slecht bereikbaar, volgens Wikileaks als gevolg van een zogenoemde 'Distributed Denial of Service-attack', een aanval van buitenaf om de site plat te leggen. De twitter-feed van WikiLeaks werkt wel.
Volgens WikiLeaks zijn er 3021 berichten uit Nederland afkomstig, meldt Der Spiegel. Dat is veel meer dan bijvoorbeeld belangrijkere hoofdsteden als Londen of Berlijn. In totaal gaat het om 3021 berichten. Wikileaks wist de hand te leggen op 45 geheime documenten (niet voor buitenlanders). In 2006 werden de meeste berichten uitgewisseld, zij het dat die ongeklassificeerd waren.
Bron: NOS
HP/De Tijd beschikt inmiddels over een memo waarin verslag wordt gedaan van een gesprek - een week voordat Maxime Verhagen minister van Buitenlandse Zaken wordt - tussen Verhagen en de inmiddels overleden Amerikaanse ambassadeur Roland Arnall. Wat blijkt: Verhagen is voor toetreding van Turkije tot de Europese Unie, had verwacht dat de Amerikanen Iran zouden aanvallen in plaats van Irak én hij mag graag met de camper door de VS reizen. "Verhagen's effort to reach out to us so early in the game strongly suggests that he will be a solid and effective friend in the Balkenende IV cabinet."
See this Amp at
zaterdag 27 november 2010
dinsdag 23 november 2010
The Secret of the Ankh is a pathway into the Mystery Systems. I believe that I have decoded the Symbol of the Ankh. My findings are that the Ankh can no longer be viewed as just meaning life, but the creation of Life itself. Wherever the Ankh is translated in Ancient Egypt it must be re-translated with the following insight: The Ankh is the Life Code; The Egyptian’s so-called “Infinities or Chaos” Gods: Amen/Amenet, Nun/Nunet,Kuk,Kukhet, Heh/Hehet – the Ogdoad.; The Meaning of Life is no longer just a flat definition but a multi-dimensional definition of the scientific and possibly spiritual definition of how life was created itself.
A = Amen/Amenet
N = Nun/Nunet
K = Kek/Kehhet
H= Heh/Hehet
If these are primorial creators then their names would probably primoridal sounds. Said or chanted together would be a word sound. This word sound can now be described as the Ankh
Where as Dr. Beatty has guided me that phonetically, I have a problem because of the difference of the pronouncement of A sound in Ankh and the I/A of Amen/Amenet. At anyrate, I should be able to continue with my Thesis because we have not heard the Ankh nor Amen/Imen pronounced in 1,000 years by an African native to the Mdu Ntr. It can very well be pronounced as NKH with the A silent. Additionally, the symbolic evidence is even more plausible. Also we see in the ANKH that water/nile /wave glyph that gives the N sound is also part of Nun/Nunet and even part of Amen/Imn.
The Secret of the Ankh is a bold, fresh view to Egyptology and expands the field. The definition of the Ankh has not been challenged or expanded since its appearance in the Western World. The Ankh exist prior to creation, during creation, during life, during the time of transition, and in the afterlife. The failure to see the Ankh with this expanded definition is paradigm blindness.
Important also is that the religion, history, spirituality, philosophy stands on its Cosmology. The Ogdoad/Eight/Hehu/Infinities/Chaos Gods are in aspects of all of the Kemetic cosmologies. In the cosmological studies, the Ankh does not appear until after the creation begins and the success is the life of the Creation God as Ptah, or as Amen. When the creator deity is born in Nun or the combination of the Ogdoad in Nun then the symbol appears.
I have a short post on cosmologies, plead read. Over the years, I have talked to many Kemetic Scholars, Priest/Priestess, people of the Kemetic Faith, or people who are involved in Kemetic organizations and I find that the majority do not know the cosmological systems of Egypt or have chosen one over the other without knowing that they interlock. I was lucky enough to know and read the Maat Kheru Dr. Jacob Carruthers work early on and I can say that this lead me to this analysis.
The Secret of the Ankh is a Paradigm Shift and from the definition that author Joel Barker gives: A paradigm is a system of rules and regulations that does two things: First, some of the rules set limits or establishes boundaries-just like a pattern sets the edges. Then, the rest of the rules offer you guidance on how to be successful by solving problems that exist inside these boundaries-in a sense, they offer you a model for problem solving. So a paradigm is a problem-solving system. And a paradigm shift is when you change from one set of rules to another. Paradigm Blindness is when you can’t see change or what is really happening because the rules that you are using are preventing you from seeing reality or the future.
The ANKH is a Paradigm because it solves a set off problems in the field of the study of Nile Valley Civilization, African Culture.
If the Ancient People of Kemet did not want the common people to understand the laws of order, “Ma’at” – they simply would not have written it down on everything they could. There are few who claim that they belong to some Mystery System and then act as if this is some special preserve. The people of Kemet said otherwise, they said things such as, “If you are a leader and command many, strive for excellence in all that you do so no fault can be found in your character”. For Maat is Great; its value is lasting and it has remained unequal and unchanged since the time of the Creator
Part I
The Ankh represents the first key to the Mysteries “The Creation of Everything”. The Ankh means more than Life – it is the most ancient symbol of a code of sounds and primordial deities. The Ankh is actually the Names of the so called “chaos” Deities of the Khemnu or Ogdoad: Amen/Amenet, Nun/Nunet,Ku/Kukhet,Heh/Hehet. – This resolves itself to ANKH. The Ankh itself has four distinct sides and one of them is the Loop Nun/Nunet. These four pairs in were thought to be the Children of Tehuti and Maat. Both Tehuti (Vibration), Maat (Order) and the four pairs themselves have their own forces. Amen/Amenet is the hidden spark of life and its opposite , Nun/Nunet – is the primordial unformed mass and its opposite, Ku/Kukhet is the qualities of Light and its opposite, and Heh/Het is the qualities of infinity and its opposite. At some point the Eight fuse themselves together bounded by Maat and Tehuti and a Deity Ptah is formed out of this chaos, he steps on a mound, Aton is formed and lands on his shoulder then The Ennead is created or the 9 deities. This is called the “First Time” or Sp Tepii, Zep Tepi, Sep Tepii, Sep Tepi.
Ancient Kemet is both Scientific and Spiritual. The Mysteries System of Egypt is also both Scientific and Spiritual. To begin self mastery one must understand how everything began. A child in Ancient Egypt would be told the creation stories, I described and grow up understanding Science and Spirituality. An African Child in the Diaspora would be taught one of the Major Western Religions and grow up with religion and later learn science and have to juggle between the two. Here is the beginning key to re-orientating African Thought, Practice, Spirituality, Redemption and Self Mastery.
From the Video
The oldest creation story Hermopolis – Khmunu creation story. This creation story has both Maat and Jehuty living in Khemnu which translates to the city of Eight. In the City of Eight (Khemnu) with Maat and Jehuty were four pairs of dieties, both male and female. This is called the Ogdoad by the Greeks.Maat is said to be the mother of the Eight!!!! Tehuti her Husband or Consort.The names of the eight were Nu/Nunut, Heh and Hehet, Amn, Amnt and Ku, Kukhet.
They were associated with qualities such as primordial mass, infinity and its opposite, hidden forces and its opposite and darkness and its opposite. From the left image, you see the Goddess Maat and Tehuti on the far right image is the Ogdoad.
From the Nile Valley Text: You [the Eight] have made from your seed a germ, and you have instilled this seed in the lotus, by pouring the seminal fluid; you have deposited in the Nun, condensed into a single form, and your inheritor takes his radiant birth under the aspect of a child (Edfu VI, 11-12, and Esna V).[xxix]
Coffin Text spell 76 names the four pairs, and connects the Ogdoadwith some of the Ennead: O you eight chaos gods, keepers of the chambersof the sky, whom Shu made from the efflux of his limbs, who bound together
the ladder of Atum…I am Shu, whom Atum created, from whom Ra came to be.I was not fashioned in the womb, I was not bound together in the egg.I was not conceived, but my father Atum spat me out…together with my sister Tefnut… The bnbn of Ra was that from which Atum came to be as Heh (chaos), Nun, (the watery abyss), Kek (darkness),Tenem (gloom —substituted for Amun in this verse).
Here is how the Ogdoad is traditionally presented
Here is the Ogdoad decoded:
Here is how the males look in the mdu ntr (Hieroglypics) – From Essays in Ancient Egyptian Literature, p 58 and 59
This is an ancient code – Take the first letters of each of the Ogdoad names and you get NHKI/ NHKA – Look again it resolves itself to INKH/ANKH. So, it seems coincidentally we get ANKH. Here the Ankh is written in the long form.
Here we see the most common usage of the Ankh – Here is the Symbol, the N – water ripple and the KH – Placenta. The N can be pronounced, and the KH is pronounced. The sound of its symbol begins with the A similar the extend arm glyph. This I have to check. At any rate, the ripple water identifies it with possibly water, or wave. The Placenta has obvious meanings of birth. I am currently attempting to find out why the KH symbol is the placenta. It does not look like a Placenta at all. I have found that the KH sound is used in the Mdu Ntr of the placenta so that is why the symbol is referred to as a placenta. Obviously, the Ancient Egyptians knew about the placenta and knew how to draw it – it is found in the Narmer Pallete and the Wepwawet Standard in the Step pyramid. The symbol that is known as the sieve or placenta obviously has a meaning that contributes to the placenta, but may not necessarily be the placenta.
I purchased Laird Scranton’s work recently, “Sacred Symbols of the Dogon” – The Key to Advanced Science in the Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphs and was stunned to see that he did not cover the Ankh in his work or the Ogdoad. This of course is because his focus was much more on the Dogon and that much of what he said can continuously be taken from that living culture. Also the Ankh is not obviously a common symbol between the two cultures from the evidence at hand. However, Laird’s work opens up the problem solving door – Its the stem cell. He does cover however the N sign and the KH sound.
Though his work is of Great Importance. This search reminded me of the Great Search of breaking the code of the Hieroglyphics. From Wikipedia – Champollion deciphered the hieroglyphs with the help of groundwork laid by his predecessors: Athanasius Kircher, Silvestre de Sacy, Johan David Akerblad, Thomas Young himself, and William John Bankes. Champollion translated parts of the Rosetta Stone in 1822, showing that the Egyptian writing system was a combination of phonetic and ideographic signs.
In breaking the code was a great competition in the European culture where careers were made and lost where the early predecessors basically went into obscurity. This is not the case in this discovery. Laird Scranton’s work make the problem solving faster.
Stunning, both myself and Laird Scranton are Computer Scientists. I received my degree in Comp. Sci from the City University of New York in 1988 taking courses from the famous Daniel D. McCracken, Dr. Micheal Anshel and others. However, my path lead to me to studying Egypt/Kemet under Dr. Leonard Jeffries, and was exposed to the many scholars in the the Association for the Study of Classical African Civilization, and First World Alliance Including: Dr. Yosef Ben Jochannon, Dr. John Henrik Clarke, Dr. Jacob Carruther, Dr. Maulana Karenga, Bro James Small, and Sister Rkhty Amen Jones and others.
If I am indeed right and what Laird Scranton says in his book is right, then I have indeed broken the code of the Ankh- It is the Ogdoad and it is the only symbol that speaks to pre-creation, creation, and the transmission of energy in the after life. I would owe everything to the scholars that I studied under and particularly Dr. Rkhty Amen Jones because she first taught us in New York the Mdu Ntr.
When Ancient Egypt began actually using the Ankh is unknown but we know that it was used before the so called dynastic times. During the reign of the first dynasty Horus Kings – Narmer, Aha, Djet, Den and Merineith, we see startling evidence of the use of the Ankh in this “Pick” comb from Hr-Djet. This artifact is also startling because it is an indication of Ethnic Features and because it is made from Ivory – that would be found in the South. However, for these purposes, the Ankh is clearly what it is.
Both the Goddess Ma’at and the Tehuti/Thoth will often be seen with the Ankh. With the Goddess Maat, you will often see the Ankh resting on her knees while she is sitting. In this dramatic photo – the Goddess Maat is in the hand of the Nwst. When the Goddess Maat is shown or used – she is represented for the qualities or attributes. Those qualities are Order, Justice, Righteousness, Truth. So here the Nwst or King has in his hand the Goddess Maat and what she represents. Maat is holding the Ankh in her hand. A flat analysis of the Ankh meaning life won’t do. The Nwst who is God’s representation on earth is holding Maat, the symbol of order and in this context social justice in her hand. She in turn is holding the Ankh. Taking a multidimensional analysis of the Ankh we see that she is holding the Ankh because it represents pre-creation, creation, and afterlife and that the Chaos Deities Amen/Amenet,Nun/Nunet.Heh/Hehet and Kuh, Kuhket have dominion.
In this photo, we see Tehuti pointing the Ankh at Nwst Seti I. Often times the Ankh is pointed at the mouth during a ritual called “Opening of the Mouth”. Again, in this very symbolic and ritualistic picture – Tehuti is using the power of the Ankh to usher the Nwst Seti I into the after life. A flat look at Tehuti, who himself is Vibration itself bounded by Maat who by using the Ankh is giving “life” will not do. The Eight Chaos Gods embodied as the Ankh have primordial and eternal power. They are the both the primordial elements that ushered in life itself and the primordial elements that facilitate transition when energy is exchanged from one state to another.
The point that I have tried to make is that the 4 pairs of primordial forces or deities resolve themselves into the work Ankh. These primordial deities have a direct relationship to the Attributes of the Goddess Maat and the attributes of the Primordial Diety Tehuti.
The primordial deities were important to the creation story of everything. The general definition or the way that it is used is in the context of life. That the Ankh was in use early in the history of Egypt or Kemet. Finally, that it is conceivable if not immediately plausible that the Ogdoad or the Eight with Maat and Tehuti are the origin of life and the Ankh means life so that there is a direct connection.
This cosmology with the Ogdoad, the Eight becomes startling when you look at the living Dogon Creation Story, Here we find the Eight again during precreation and again we find four pairs of deities.
Part II
Dr. Mario Beatty in his response, alerted me to the fact that the imn and Ankh have two different pronunciations and that this is problematic in my mapping of the Ogdoad to the Ankh at least phonetically. His point is well taken and I will take this in consideration -see his comments. However, I am attempting to decode the meaning of life and I see the relationship between the Ogdoad and the Ankh harder to separate then it is to connect. The mapping still applies in the context of Cosmology and the mdu ntr as ideographic symbology.
I will simply at this point concede to this linguistic approach, but I will continue on a cosmology approach or an ideo. However, if we don’t pronounce the Amen/Amenet (who is hidden anyway) and pronounce the NKH – I will proceed.
Qualities of the Ogdoad or Hehu or Infinities or Chaos Gods as they relate to Life
The Cosmology of Ancient links members of Eight in whole or in part to creation and life. They are necessary to life. In the Cosmological Stories the Prime Creator is born in Nwn, Nwnt. This includes Atun, Ra, Ptah, Aten, Amun. The Eight in whole or combined in Nwn and Nwnt can not be separated from the Ankh, because the formula is as the prime creator is created in Nwn /Nwnt then and only then does the Ankh appear.
In addition, to begin looking at the qualities of the Eight in whole or part to begin to understand the deeper meanings let’s look again at the Eight as they are drawn.
Let us return to Imn (Amun,Amen,Amon). In Laird Scranton’s book, The Cosmological Origins of Myth and Symbol he looks at Imn from a symbolic view. On page 85. he says that Imn is “that which weaves waves into particles from a place hidden from interference.
Partial Inscription from Shabaka Stone – Translation by Dr. Theophile Obenga, African Philosophy.
The Gods who came into existence in Ptha. Phah who is on the great throne. Ptha-Nun, the father who made Atum. Ptah-Nunet, the mother who gave birth to Atum. Ptah, the Great Elder, the heart of the Ennead who gave birth to the gods, the tongue of the Ennead, who gave birth to the gods.
Partial Inscription form the Myth of Destruction of Humanity p. 165 African Philosophy by Theophile Obenga.
Together with the the fathers and mothers who were with me when I was still in Nwn, as well as the deity Nwn himself…When it is over. I shal return into Nwn, where I came into exisence.
Partial translation of Hym to Amon-Ra, God of Thebes, African Philospohy by Theophile Obenga, p. 540.
He who inaugarated existence, Amon, who coame into being in the beginning, none being aware of his emergence! There was no god who came into being before him. There was not other god with him to draw out his forms. There was no mother to give him a name. There was not father to engender him, claiming: “It is I!” (he is) one who formed his egg himself. Mighty one of Mysterious birth, who created his own beauty, divine god who came into being on his own. All the gods came into being when he gave himself a beginning…. Amon, he who emerged from Nwn, guide to humanity. Another of his forms is the Ogdoad, Primordial gorup which gives birth to promoridal gods who give birth to Ra.
TutAnkhAmun (The Living Image of Amun), called the boy king was born TuTAnkhAtn (The Living Image of Atn). Later, I will challenge the traditional meaning of these names.
The Left Glyph is TutAnkAmun with the South Sign, Heliopolis An, and the Rulership symbol and the right is Neb Khepera Ra (Load of the Creation of Ra).
TutAnkhAmun was put on the throne after the demise of Akenaten – most likely his father. During the reign of the Nwst Akenaten, he both disbanded the priesthood and replaced the deities Ptah and others with Aten. This period is called the Armana Revolution. I will attempt to cover the Armana revolution in another post – but it was faced paced replacement of the cosmology of Kemet/Egypt.
Among the Artifacts buried with TutAnkhAmun, two of them are startling to my assertion. The first is the Ankh Mirror box.
Inside the Ankh is TutAnkAmun’s name Neb Khepera Ra. It is a stylized Mdu Ntr. Here we see the Isle of Fire, the Kephera Beatle, the Feathers of time, the Netjer Ankhs (Cobras), the Shen signs (infinity connected directly to Heh), and finally the three Suns – Orion’s Belt symbolizing Sep Tepi (The First Time).
Why would the Egyptians/Kemetic people put this creation story inside the Ankh? Here the Cosmology Creation is not separable from the Ankh. In addition, the loop of the Ankh is actually serving as a Shenu/cartouche for the Nwst/Kings name. If the loop of the Ankh is Nun/Nunet as it is represented here and the King’s name is inside of it – then this is evidence that that the Shenu is possibly Nun/Nunet. There is no doubt that the Shenu is connected to the Ogdoad Heh/Hehet. At any rate, the Ankh and the Shenu have similiar properties. They both have loops and they both have ropes and in at least one case the NebKhepreRa King’s name was in the Ankh. In addition, the famous Ankh Mirror of Amen Tut Ankh is significant because though the mirror has never been found, the mirror portion would represent Nun/Nunet or the primordial waters.
Here is Further Stunning Evidence. Here is the Tyet Symbol.
You will see the name Neb Kephera Ra inside of the Loop of the Ankh, You will see the Ankh serving as Shenu to hold the Kings name. Again Neb Khephera Ra is lord of the Creation of Ra and this happens within Nun/Nunet – This symbol is also incredible because it has the Ankh in the figure of a Human and will be later associated with Aset. This symbol like the Ankh has predynastic Egypt origins.
Also stunning.
This one again has Neb Kephera Ra, but it also has Eight circles, and then nine fishes. Of the Eight Circles have an inner circle and they repeat circle (inner circle), normal circle as if frog and snake for the 4 pairs. In addition there are nine objects – which I believe represents the Ennead. Interesting that the four which are fishes, I can map to Tefnut, Nut, Neb Het, and Ast. and the five eggs I could map to Set, Asr, Geb, Shu, Atum. In addition, there is the Ankh, Shen and the Ntjer Ankh. The shen of course is closely associated with the ogdoad Heh.
Also is the Ennead. Notice Five of them are Males and Four of them are female. Now return to the TutAnkhamun amulet there are four fishes and five eggs.
With the following in mind: 1) Amen/Amenet,Nun/Nunuet,Khu/Khukhet,Heh/Hehet – ANKH or NKH 2) The stylized creation story Neb Khephera Ra in the Ankh 3) The amulet with Neb Khephera Ra and the eight circles and the nine objects underneath – we turn again to the Nwst Tut Ankh Amun – clearly his name itself has a direct connection to one of the Ogdoad Amun. Further, we are not actually pronouncing the Kings Name correctly at all. Many Egyptologist confirm that the name would really be Amen Tut Ankh because precedence was given to the Diety name First – which would make sense. Now saying that we may have his name as Amun the living image of Ankh. This is a game changer.
Here with this Nwst/King Tut Ankh Amun is is difficult to separate the ogdoad/eight from him. Further with all of this in mind and challenging the definition of the Ankh, we may see the Nwst now as not just the Living Image of Amun or the Amun the living face of Ankh- We may see him as Amun of the Combining of the Eight or Amun of the Ogdoad, Amun of the Eight Primordial Neters, Amun the Creator or as Professor James Small has put it so eloquently, God having a Human Experience. We can even use the Elijah Muhammad concept as God in the person. At any rate, we have a richer and more profound definition of this Glyph. The Glyph of Tut Ankh Amun is now combined with the cosmology and philosophy of Ancient Egypt.
We see this interesting combination again with another restorer of Amun. The Nwst Pianky.
Here we see again as with Tut Ankh Amun – part of his name Pi Ankh ii referencing the ankh and the other part referencing the creation story with Khepera – mn khephera ra
The Ancient Egyptians/People of Kemet/Ta Merii expressed their thoughts in writing and language in the Mdu Ntr which is both secular and spiritual and also in symbolic drawings and Jewelry.
Where the language rules may at first make my case less plausible if only for the Amn sound in attempting to code the Ogdoad directly into the sound of the Ankh, the Ogdoad in relationship to Egyptian cosmology is inseperable in the sacred text, art and jewelry.
At the center of Egyptian Character is Good Speech. Speech itself is an attribute of Tehuti. Good Speech is an attribute of Maat and Tehuti. When the Egyptians speak they are speaking multiple concepts at the same time and often in multiple layers. The Egyptian Speech is carried to their culture, their science, their politics, their values, interest and principles.
The Egyptian Speech in all of its vehicles is so complex that it is plausible that you can code complex ideas and even a secret language in their writing.
So with the amulet- You cannot separate the Ogdoad from this piece of jewelry and given the fact that this was the restorer King, TutAnkhAmun born TutAnkhAten- we add what was he restoring. He was restoring the cosmologies of old that Aten attempted to dismantle and replace. What were those cosmologies. Which of them were the oldest? What was the history of the cosmologies. What cosmologies were simplified, expanded, merged. By the time we get to the 18th Dynasty Egypt was at least three thousand years old. And did Egypt start its civilization or did the plan of Egypt come from a place south to it. A place like Nabta Playa.
Why did the Priest put this stylized creation story in the loop of the Ankh?
In the Memphite Cosmology Ptah rises from Nun/Nunet. He has the Ogdoad in his mouth and creates the Ennead. Ptah is almost inseparable from the Ankh or is he inseperable from the Ogdoad.
The power of ideographics is that you don’t have to speak, you just have to analyze. Symbols are a complex language in itself and these are not the only symbols that make the nkh/Ogdoad connect not only conceivable, not only plausible but the truth.
Are we taking about the Big Bang in the Ankh, the first time “Sp Tpii” , are we talking about the evolution of life on earth – We know one thing both these concepts are happening within the Ankh and we know that it is happening in the Loop and we know that the creation story that they are talking about happened in the waters of Nun.
The Ankh will ultimately survive Kemet/Egypt. I will summarize this by saying that the Ankh will appear in Old Nubia – Dongola
Then the Ankh will appear in Christian Ethiopia in several forms. The first form you will see instead of the Ren/Name in the Loop of the Ankh, Faces. Most notably, Christ and His Mother. Then you will see the Coptic Cross
Then the Apostles faces will be in Nun
The Ethiopian Coptics will remake the Ankh
The Qabbalist will use the Ankh
The Knight Templars will use the Ankh
And latter the Rosicrucians will take as their symbol the Rose Cross
As we speak, Scientist have just trapped Matter and Anti Matter or captured Nun and Nunet. Until 2010, Matter and Anti-Matter could not exist – when the two come together there is a violent explosion. See – Scientist Capture antimatter atoms in particle breakthrough. From the Article -
CNN) — Scientists have captured antimatter atoms for the first time, a breakthrough that could eventually help us to understand the nature and origins of the universe. Researchers at CERN, the Geneva-based particle physics laboratory, have managed to confine single antihydrogen atoms in a magnetic trap.
This will allow them to conduct a more detailed study of antihydrogen, which will in turn allow scientists to compare matter and antimatter. Understanding antimatter is one of the biggest challenges facing science — most theoretical physicists and cosmologists believe that at the Big Bang, when the universe was created, matter and antimatter were produced in equal amounts. However, as our world is made up of matter, antimatter seems to have disappeared.
Understanding antimatter could shed light on why almost everything in the known universe consists of matter. Antimatter has been very difficult to handle because matter and antimatter don’t get on, destroying each other instantly on contact in a violent flash of energy.
I want to give Credit to Bro. Sekou Fortune and Bro. Anthony Jordan, who helped decode the Ankh as well as my Mentors Dr. Leonard Jeffries, and Bro. James Small and the organizations and institutions that provided me an environment to understand Africa. These include: The First World Alliance, ASCAC, Department of Africana Studies at City College, The Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture.
See this Amp at
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David Icke: The Bohemian Grove & Mind Control Rituals
Michael Tsarion:
The Origins of Evil
The Subversive Use of Sacred Symbolism in the Media
The Destruction of Atlantis
Sherry Peel Jackson - Breaking The Invisible Shackles Of The IRS
9-11: Press for Truth
One World Government - A look into the future
Afghans Uncover Lost Treasure
Alphabet, Pittsburgh Professor’s Team Unearths Earliest
Amazing Cave People of Malta
Ancient Alexandria Older Than We Thought?
Ancient Book Could Reveal Secret to Improved Warfare
Ancient Chambers Span Across Beneath Northern Arizona
Ancient Civilization Beneath Death Valley?
Ancient Contacts in the Americas
Ancient Egyptians in Australia: Incredible Evidence
Ancient Egyptian City in the Grand Canyon?
Ancient Egyptian Treasures in the Grand Canyon
Ancient European Skeleton Recovered in West Virginia Cave
Ancient Gold Unearthed in Sudan
Ancient India Had Spacecraft Technology
Ancient Links Suggested Between Mexico and Indus Valley
Ancient Mining on the Shores of Lake Superior
Ancient Nuclear Blasts and Levitating Stones of Shivapur
Ancient Pyramids in China
Ancient Star Pictures
Ancient Sanxingdui Ruins, New Digging to Probe Mystery of
Ancient Tablet Echoes Bible Passage
Ancient Tombs and Shrines Faced Sun and Stars
Ancient Tomb Found in Mexico Reveals Mass Child Sacrifice
Ancient Tools At High Desert Site Go Back 135,000 Years
Ancient Underground Cities of Turkey
Ancient Village Found Under Illinois Soil
Archaeological Coverups
Archaeological Sensation in Oestfold
Archeologist Unearths Biblical Controversy
Archaeologists Find Ancient Statue
Archeologists Find Tomb of Odysseus
Archaeologists Find Tomb Thought to be Apostle Paul’s
Archaeologists Look to the Earth for Minoan Fate
Archaeologists Puzzled: an Alien or Just a Retarded Child
Archaeologists Study Ancient US Canals
Archaeologists ID Traces of Siloam ‘Miracle’ Pool
Archaeologists Uncover Ancient Egyptian Tombs
Archaeologists Uncover ‘Bulgarian Machu Pichu’
Archaeologists Uncover Goliath’s Hometown
Ariz. Archaeologists Find Hohokam Canals
Ark of the Covenant, Kabbalist Blesses Jones: Now’s the Time to Find Holy Lost
‘Astonishing’ Skull Unearthed in Africa
Atlantis “Evidence” Found in Spain and Ireland
Baalbek — A Colossal Enigma
Baja California Rock Art Dated to 7,500 Years Ago
Biblical Scroll Fragments Found in Israel
Biblical Tunnel Authenticated by Radio-Dating
Boy Jesus, Did He Look Like This?
Brain Legacy of Ancient Cannibals
Britons Find Ancient Empire That Made Sahara Bloom
Brittany’s Ancient Stones Said to be Erected By Giants, Haunted By Fairies
Bryn Celli Ddu Burial Chamber and Henge
Canadians May Have Found Lost City
Canyon Holds Ancient Civilization Secrets
Caribbean Sunken City
Cat People
Cavemen Painting for Their Gods, Were?
Celestial and Mathematical Precision in Ancient Architecture
China Finds 2,000-Year-Old City
Chinese Made First Use of Diamond
Chocolate’s Frothy Past
Colchis Sepulcher Proves Authenticity of the Myth About Argonauts
Colossal Find
Damnation of Crystal Skulls - He Who Reveals the Secret Dies
Dead Sea Scrolls Texts: The Book of Giants
‘Descendants of the Dragon’ confirmed at the Liaohe River Valley
‘Devils’ Trails’ are World’s Oldest Human Footprints
Dig for Ancient Pyramid in Bosnia
Dinosaur Petroglyphs in Arizona
Discovery of 12,000-year-old Temple Complex Could Alter Theory of Human Development
DNA Extracted from Blood Of 1.8-Million-Year-Old Hominid
Edom Unearthed?
Egyptologists Find War Goddess and Nubian King
Eleven-Millennium-Old Building Discovered in Syria
Europe’s Oldest Civilisation Found
Evidence Hints at Earlier Humans in Americas
Evidence for Ancient Atomic Warfare - Part 1
Evidence for Ancient Atomic Warfare - Part 2
Evidence for Ancient Star Wars: ‘War Decisive’?
Evidence of Noah’s Flood? There Were Giants in Those Days
Experts Study Skeletal Remains in Utah
Explorations in Grand Canyon
Exploration Of Submerged Megalithic Structures Resumes Off Cuba
Explorers Find Lost Inca Town in Peru
Exploring Tibet’s Lost Civilization
Fake Giant Photos
Finaeus Map
First Americans Arrived Around 18,000 Years Ago, Genetic Evidence Suggests
First Andes Civilisation Explored
Footloose: Men, Nine Yards Tall!
Footprints, Oldest Human Found
“Forbidden History” of Early Mankind
Forbidden History - Covered Up Again!
In 1850 Fossil Fools: Return to Piltdown
Fossil Ape May Be Ancestor of All Apes - Report
Four Civilizations and the Tragedy They Experienced
Gene Wars From Antiquity And The Coming Of Armageddon
Giant Bones Challenged 18th-Century Intellectuals
Giants and Dinosaurs Together?!
Giants: Fact or Fiction?
Giant Figures Unearthed in Peru
Giants in the Bible
Giants in the Earth Part I: Giants of the Ancient Near East
Giants of Guadalcanal - A Gift to Humanity
Giants of the Solomon Islands and Their Hidden UFO Bases
Gilgamesh Tomb Believed Found
Goliath Found?
Grand Canyon Finds
Greek Alphabet Was In Use at 6000 BC
History of Humans Unravels as Scholar Exposed as Fraud
‘Hobbit’ Joins Human Family Tree
Homer’s Ithaca Possibly Found Thanks to New Geologic Research
Ica Stones of Peru
Ica Stones of Peru
Iceman, Scientist Seen as Latest ‘Victim’ of
Images from Cuban Deep Water Megalithic Site
Indian Mounds Mystify Excavators
Indiana Jones Robot to Probe Great Pyramid
Israeli Archaeologist May Have Found Tomb of King Herod
Is There Evidence of Ancient Atomic Warfare?
Jesus’ First Miracle Said Found, Site of
John the Baptist Cave Discovered
Kennewick Man
Kennewick Man Skeletal Find May Revolutionalize Americas History
Kennewick Man Virtual Interpretive Center
Keys to Ancient Egyptian Technology Found
Letters & Notes on Manners, Customs, Conditions of N. American Indians
Library of Alexandria Discovered
Little People of the Cherokee
Long-Sought Maya City — Site Q — Found in Guatemala
The Los Lunas Decalogue Stone
Lost City ‘Could Rewrite History’
Lost City of Atlantis, Explorers on the Trail of
Lost City of Atlantis ‘Found’ Off the Coast of Cyprus
Lost City of the Dead in the Grand Canyon
Lost City of the Dead in the Grand Canyon
Lost Cities of the Amazon Found
Lost Tribe of Little People
Malta Temple’s and Tombs
Map of the Creator - 120 Million Year Old Map Found - Proof Of Ancient Civilization
Mars/Moon/Ancient Sites Connections
Mayan Solar Observations Confirmed by Scientists
Meet the Boy Too Big for His Mom’s SUV
Megalithic Grids, Blood & Cannibals On Mars
Mesa Verde Slowly Revealing Secrets of Anasazi Culture
Mexico: Forgotten Ruins and Ancient Astronauts
Mount Hermon: Gate of the Fallen Angels
Mysteries of the Yellow Emperor
Mysterious Finds, Million-Year-Old
Names of Giants
NASA Discovers 1,750,000-Year-Old “Ramayana” Bridge Between India and Sri Lanka
Nasa Shuttle Images of Ramayan Bridge
Naree Pons
Neanderthal = Nephilim? Carbon 14 Dating?
Neanderthal Man Casts Doubts on Darwin’s Scientific Integrity, Origin of
Neanderthals Were Cannibals
Nevada Artifacts, Gov’t Hopes to Protect
New Chemical Testing Points to Ancient Origin for Burial Shroud of Jesus
New World’s Tallest Man Stands at a Towering 8ft 5ins
Noah’s Ark Found? — Company Claims Picture Proof
Noah’s Flood in Black Sea (Hunt for Evidence of)
Nuclear Catastrophe in Paleoindian Times, A?
Oldest Evidence of Jesus? - Buriel Box Inscribed in Aramaic - Biblical Artifact Now Labeled a Fake
Oldest Human Fossils Discovered in Ethiopia
Oldest Known Bible to Go Online
‘Oldest’ New World Writing Found
Oldest Religious Icon in Americas
Oldest Star Chart Found
Paleopuzzle: Chomping With No Chompers
Pedro the Mountain Mummy
Physical Evidence of Atlantis
Piri Reis Map
Plato’s Atlantis - first three chapters
Peru Finds Pre-Inca Ruins Beneath Lake Titicaca
Philistine Temple Ruins Uncovered in Goliath’s Hometown
Prehistoric Art Reveals Skills of Britain’s Cave Dwellers
Prehistoric Cannibalism Triggered Human Evolution
Prehistoric Moon Map Unearthed
Professor’s Digs May Be Key to Discovering Infamous Cities
Pyramid Architect’s Final Resting Place
Pyramid Uncovered In Mexico, 1,500-year-old
Pyramids in the Pacific: The Unwritten History of Australia, Chapter 1
Pyramids Older Than Egyptian Allegedly Found in Ukraine
Queen’s Pyramid Found Near Cairo
Radar Reveals Vast Medieval Cambodian City
Raiders of the Lost Ark
Real Indiana Jones: Intrepid British Don Tudor Parfitt’s Mission to Find the Lord Ark
Remains of Chickasawba Giants Found in 1870
Remains of Genghis Khan Palace Unearthed
Remains of New Species of Hobbit-Sized Human Found
Researchers Cast New Light on Old Map
Researcher Claims Vast Network of Prehistoric Civilization Discovered Near Lake Titicaca
Rio Grande Artifacts May Yield New Clues
Rise and Fall of the Mayan Empire
Ruins Support Myth of Rome’s Founding
Russian Geneticists to Reveal Alien’s DNA Mystery
Sacrificial Burial Deepens Mystery at Teotihuacan, But Confirms the City’s Militarism
Satellites Find Ancient Egyptian Metropolis
Satellites Search for Ancient Artifact
Scientists Probe ‘Sunken City,’ Civilization in Cuba
Scientists Stumble Upon One of World’s Oldest Cities
“Scotland’s Stonehenge”, Laser Scan Reveals Skills That Built
Scythian Mummy in Mongolia
Secret Chinese Pyramids Evidence of Alien Visitors?
Shrine to Hercules Unearthed
Snake-Bird Gods Fascinated Both Aztecs and Pharaohs
Spiral Ring Reveals Ancient Complex Machines Used in China
Spirits in the Stones
Staff of Moses ‘Found’ in Birmingham
Star Chart From the Ice Age Found
Star Chart - Oldest Found
Starchild Mystery
Surfing The Apocalypse
Taiwan’s Own Ancient Astronaut Theory
The Throne of King David
Tomb Dig Findings Shrouded in Mystery
Tombs From Egypt’s Golden Age Found
Tomb References John the Baptist’s Father
Top 10 Ancient Civilizations With Advanced Technology
Top Ten Out-Of-Place Artifacts
Traditions of Atlantis
Tragedy of Four Civilizations (The)
Tsunami Throws Up India Relics
Tsunami Uncovers Underwater Ancient City
Turin Shroud Not a Medieval Fake, Scientist Says
Underwater Discoveries Give Credence to Ancient Legends
Unsolved Mysteries: an Exhibition of Unsolved Mysteries and Enigmatic Findings in the History of Humanity
Update on Underwater Megalithic Structures near Western Cuba
Villagers Speak of the Small, Hairy Ebu Gogo
Vimanas - The Ancient Flying Machines
Walking with Giants
Was America Discovered in 1170
Weird Skeletons in Mankind’s Closet Giant Skeletons…
Weinzweig, Dr. Paul interview on Underwater City Off Cuba
Women Warriors From Amazon Fought for Britain’s Roman Army
Ye Old Curiosity Shoppe
200-Year-Old Seeds Breathe Again
2,000-year-old Bottle of Wine Found in Tomb
7,000 Years Older Than Stonehenge: the Site That Stunned Archaeologists
7,000-Year Old City Found in Egypt
26,000-year-old Arch Supports?
30,000-year-old Figurines Found in German Cave
500,000 Year Old Spark Plug?
70 000-Year-Old Stones Cut by Laser?
[Een bijdrage van Sior Schmidt]
TAOISME : Shit is.
CONFUCIANISME : Confusius zegt: "Shit is."
TAOISME : de hoogstegraad van geestelijke rijpheid en/of verlichting".
BOEDDHISME : Deze shit is slechts schijn.
ZEN : Wat is het geluid van klappende shit ?
HINDOEISME : Deze shit heb je uit je vorige leven.
JUDAISME : Waarom krijgen wij altijd alle shit ?
ISLAM : Als je in de shit zit, is het Allah's wil.
STOICISME : Shit laat mij koud.
KATHOLICISME : Je zit in de shit omdat je zondig bent.
PROTESTANTISME : Geef de shit maar aan een ander.
CALVINISME : Als je in de shit raakt, werk je niet hard genoeg.
GEREFORMEERDE KERK : Geen shit op zondag.
JEHOVA'S GETUIGEN : Laat u door ons uit uw shit redden.
OSHO : Alleen leuke shit is echt.
HARE KRISHNA : Shit, shit, hare rama.
ATHEISME : Er is geen shit.
HIPPIES : Shit zit in jezelf.
NEW AGE : Visualiseer een shitloze situatie.
RASTAFARIANS : Laten we deze shit oproken.
Secret Societies
Freemasons for Dummies
Master video list by Myspace members OWN-the-NWO and Masterpiece
opposing digits vlog page
Watch This First:
Freedom to Fascism Movie Trailer
Aaron Russo Interview
Other titles, in no particular order: (more to be added as I get around to it)
Alex Jones' Martial Law 9-11 downloadable version here
Music Video - Robert Cray "Twenty"
eye of the storm - police state
Vaccination - The Hidden Truth produced by Vaccination Information service
Peace, Propaganda & The Promised Land
Everybody's gotta learn sometime alternate link here filmmaker's website:
Jordan Maxwell on America's Decline into Fascism (80 seconds)
The Occult World Of Commerce
Jim Marrs - Rule by Secrecy
Money, Banking and the Federal Reserve producer's website:
Behold a Pale Horse - William Cooper related website:
Dave VonKleist 911 in Plane Site
Dave VonKleist (The Producer of 911 In Plane Site) Confronting The Evidence
The Revolution Will Not Be Televised
Jerry Smith - HAARP BBLC-TV website:
The Grand Decepition (Music Video) by Mypace member PROFOUND
Where R The PPL (music video)
9-11: Who Killed John O'Neill
9-11 eyewitness
Robert Newman's History of Oil
David Icke: The Bohemian Grove & Mind Control Rituals
Michael Tsarion:
The Origins of Evil
The Subversive Use of Sacred Symbolism in the Media
The Destruction of Atlantis
Sherry Peel Jackson - Breaking The Invisible Shackles Of The IRS
9-11: Press for Truth
One World Government - A look into the future
Afghans Uncover Lost Treasure
Alphabet, Pittsburgh Professor’s Team Unearths Earliest
Amazing Cave People of Malta
Ancient Alexandria Older Than We Thought?
Ancient Book Could Reveal Secret to Improved Warfare
Ancient Chambers Span Across Beneath Northern Arizona
Ancient Civilization Beneath Death Valley?
Ancient Contacts in the Americas
Ancient Egyptians in Australia: Incredible Evidence
Ancient Egyptian City in the Grand Canyon?
Ancient Egyptian Treasures in the Grand Canyon
Ancient European Skeleton Recovered in West Virginia Cave
Ancient Gold Unearthed in Sudan
Ancient India Had Spacecraft Technology
Ancient Links Suggested Between Mexico and Indus Valley
Ancient Mining on the Shores of Lake Superior
Ancient Nuclear Blasts and Levitating Stones of Shivapur
Ancient Pyramids in China
Ancient Star Pictures
Ancient Sanxingdui Ruins, New Digging to Probe Mystery of
Ancient Tablet Echoes Bible Passage
Ancient Tombs and Shrines Faced Sun and Stars
Ancient Tomb Found in Mexico Reveals Mass Child Sacrifice
Ancient Tools At High Desert Site Go Back 135,000 Years
Ancient Underground Cities of Turkey
Ancient Village Found Under Illinois Soil
Archaeological Coverups
Archaeological Sensation in Oestfold
Archeologist Unearths Biblical Controversy
Archaeologists Find Ancient Statue
Archeologists Find Tomb of Odysseus
Archaeologists Find Tomb Thought to be Apostle Paul’s
Archaeologists Look to the Earth for Minoan Fate
Archaeologists Puzzled: an Alien or Just a Retarded Child
Archaeologists Study Ancient US Canals
Archaeologists ID Traces of Siloam ‘Miracle’ Pool
Archaeologists Uncover Ancient Egyptian Tombs
Archaeologists Uncover ‘Bulgarian Machu Pichu’
Archaeologists Uncover Goliath’s Hometown
Ariz. Archaeologists Find Hohokam Canals
Ark of the Covenant, Kabbalist Blesses Jones: Now’s the Time to Find Holy Lost
‘Astonishing’ Skull Unearthed in Africa
Atlantis “Evidence” Found in Spain and Ireland
Baalbek — A Colossal Enigma
Baja California Rock Art Dated to 7,500 Years Ago
Biblical Scroll Fragments Found in Israel
Biblical Tunnel Authenticated by Radio-Dating
Boy Jesus, Did He Look Like This?
Brain Legacy of Ancient Cannibals
Britons Find Ancient Empire That Made Sahara Bloom
Brittany’s Ancient Stones Said to be Erected By Giants, Haunted By Fairies
Bryn Celli Ddu Burial Chamber and Henge
Canadians May Have Found Lost City
Canyon Holds Ancient Civilization Secrets
Caribbean Sunken City
Cat People
Cavemen Painting for Their Gods, Were?
Celestial and Mathematical Precision in Ancient Architecture
China Finds 2,000-Year-Old City
Chinese Made First Use of Diamond
Chocolate’s Frothy Past
Colchis Sepulcher Proves Authenticity of the Myth About Argonauts
Colossal Find
Damnation of Crystal Skulls - He Who Reveals the Secret Dies
Dead Sea Scrolls Texts: The Book of Giants
‘Descendants of the Dragon’ confirmed at the Liaohe River Valley
‘Devils’ Trails’ are World’s Oldest Human Footprints
Dig for Ancient Pyramid in Bosnia
Dinosaur Petroglyphs in Arizona
Discovery of 12,000-year-old Temple Complex Could Alter Theory of Human Development
DNA Extracted from Blood Of 1.8-Million-Year-Old Hominid
Edom Unearthed?
Egyptologists Find War Goddess and Nubian King
Eleven-Millennium-Old Building Discovered in Syria
Europe’s Oldest Civilisation Found
Evidence Hints at Earlier Humans in Americas
Evidence for Ancient Atomic Warfare - Part 1
Evidence for Ancient Atomic Warfare - Part 2
Evidence for Ancient Star Wars: ‘War Decisive’?
Evidence of Noah’s Flood? There Were Giants in Those Days
Experts Study Skeletal Remains in Utah
Explorations in Grand Canyon
Exploration Of Submerged Megalithic Structures Resumes Off Cuba
Explorers Find Lost Inca Town in Peru
Exploring Tibet’s Lost Civilization
Fake Giant Photos
Finaeus Map
First Americans Arrived Around 18,000 Years Ago, Genetic Evidence Suggests
First Andes Civilisation Explored
Footloose: Men, Nine Yards Tall!
Footprints, Oldest Human Found
“Forbidden History” of Early Mankind
Forbidden History - Covered Up Again!
In 1850 Fossil Fools: Return to Piltdown
Fossil Ape May Be Ancestor of All Apes - Report
Four Civilizations and the Tragedy They Experienced
Gene Wars From Antiquity And The Coming Of Armageddon
Giant Bones Challenged 18th-Century Intellectuals
Giants and Dinosaurs Together?!
Giants: Fact or Fiction?
Giant Figures Unearthed in Peru
Giants in the Bible
Giants in the Earth Part I: Giants of the Ancient Near East
Giants of Guadalcanal - A Gift to Humanity
Giants of the Solomon Islands and Their Hidden UFO Bases
Gilgamesh Tomb Believed Found
Goliath Found?
Grand Canyon Finds
Greek Alphabet Was In Use at 6000 BC
History of Humans Unravels as Scholar Exposed as Fraud
‘Hobbit’ Joins Human Family Tree
Homer’s Ithaca Possibly Found Thanks to New Geologic Research
Ica Stones of Peru
Ica Stones of Peru
Iceman, Scientist Seen as Latest ‘Victim’ of
Images from Cuban Deep Water Megalithic Site
Indian Mounds Mystify Excavators
Indiana Jones Robot to Probe Great Pyramid
Israeli Archaeologist May Have Found Tomb of King Herod
Is There Evidence of Ancient Atomic Warfare?
Jesus’ First Miracle Said Found, Site of
John the Baptist Cave Discovered
Kennewick Man
Kennewick Man Skeletal Find May Revolutionalize Americas History
Kennewick Man Virtual Interpretive Center
Keys to Ancient Egyptian Technology Found
Letters & Notes on Manners, Customs, Conditions of N. American Indians
Library of Alexandria Discovered
Little People of the Cherokee
Long-Sought Maya City — Site Q — Found in Guatemala
The Los Lunas Decalogue Stone
Lost City ‘Could Rewrite History’
Lost City of Atlantis, Explorers on the Trail of
Lost City of Atlantis ‘Found’ Off the Coast of Cyprus
Lost City of the Dead in the Grand Canyon
Lost City of the Dead in the Grand Canyon
Lost Cities of the Amazon Found
Lost Tribe of Little People
Malta Temple’s and Tombs
Map of the Creator - 120 Million Year Old Map Found - Proof Of Ancient Civilization
Mars/Moon/Ancient Sites Connections
Mayan Solar Observations Confirmed by Scientists
Meet the Boy Too Big for His Mom’s SUV
Megalithic Grids, Blood & Cannibals On Mars
Mesa Verde Slowly Revealing Secrets of Anasazi Culture
Mexico: Forgotten Ruins and Ancient Astronauts
Mount Hermon: Gate of the Fallen Angels
Mysteries of the Yellow Emperor
Mysterious Finds, Million-Year-Old
Names of Giants
NASA Discovers 1,750,000-Year-Old “Ramayana” Bridge Between India and Sri Lanka
Nasa Shuttle Images of Ramayan Bridge
Naree Pons
Neanderthal = Nephilim? Carbon 14 Dating?
Neanderthal Man Casts Doubts on Darwin’s Scientific Integrity, Origin of
Neanderthals Were Cannibals
Nevada Artifacts, Gov’t Hopes to Protect
New Chemical Testing Points to Ancient Origin for Burial Shroud of Jesus
New World’s Tallest Man Stands at a Towering 8ft 5ins
Noah’s Ark Found? — Company Claims Picture Proof
Noah’s Flood in Black Sea (Hunt for Evidence of)
Nuclear Catastrophe in Paleoindian Times, A?
Oldest Evidence of Jesus? - Buriel Box Inscribed in Aramaic - Biblical Artifact Now Labeled a Fake
Oldest Human Fossils Discovered in Ethiopia
Oldest Known Bible to Go Online
‘Oldest’ New World Writing Found
Oldest Religious Icon in Americas
Oldest Star Chart Found
Paleopuzzle: Chomping With No Chompers
Pedro the Mountain Mummy
Physical Evidence of Atlantis
Piri Reis Map
Plato’s Atlantis - first three chapters
Peru Finds Pre-Inca Ruins Beneath Lake Titicaca
Philistine Temple Ruins Uncovered in Goliath’s Hometown
Prehistoric Art Reveals Skills of Britain’s Cave Dwellers
Prehistoric Cannibalism Triggered Human Evolution
Prehistoric Moon Map Unearthed
Professor’s Digs May Be Key to Discovering Infamous Cities
Pyramid Architect’s Final Resting Place
Pyramid Uncovered In Mexico, 1,500-year-old
Pyramids in the Pacific: The Unwritten History of Australia, Chapter 1
Pyramids Older Than Egyptian Allegedly Found in Ukraine
Queen’s Pyramid Found Near Cairo
Radar Reveals Vast Medieval Cambodian City
Raiders of the Lost Ark
Real Indiana Jones: Intrepid British Don Tudor Parfitt’s Mission to Find the Lord Ark
Remains of Chickasawba Giants Found in 1870
Remains of Genghis Khan Palace Unearthed
Remains of New Species of Hobbit-Sized Human Found
Researchers Cast New Light on Old Map
Researcher Claims Vast Network of Prehistoric Civilization Discovered Near Lake Titicaca
Rio Grande Artifacts May Yield New Clues
Rise and Fall of the Mayan Empire
Ruins Support Myth of Rome’s Founding
Russian Geneticists to Reveal Alien’s DNA Mystery
Sacrificial Burial Deepens Mystery at Teotihuacan, But Confirms the City’s Militarism
Satellites Find Ancient Egyptian Metropolis
Satellites Search for Ancient Artifact
Scientists Probe ‘Sunken City,’ Civilization in Cuba
Scientists Stumble Upon One of World’s Oldest Cities
“Scotland’s Stonehenge”, Laser Scan Reveals Skills That Built
Scythian Mummy in Mongolia
Secret Chinese Pyramids Evidence of Alien Visitors?
Shrine to Hercules Unearthed
Snake-Bird Gods Fascinated Both Aztecs and Pharaohs
Spiral Ring Reveals Ancient Complex Machines Used in China
Spirits in the Stones
Staff of Moses ‘Found’ in Birmingham
Star Chart From the Ice Age Found
Star Chart - Oldest Found
Starchild Mystery
Surfing The Apocalypse
Taiwan’s Own Ancient Astronaut Theory
The Throne of King David
Tomb Dig Findings Shrouded in Mystery
Tombs From Egypt’s Golden Age Found
Tomb References John the Baptist’s Father
Top 10 Ancient Civilizations With Advanced Technology
Top Ten Out-Of-Place Artifacts
Traditions of Atlantis
Tragedy of Four Civilizations (The)
Tsunami Throws Up India Relics
Tsunami Uncovers Underwater Ancient City
Turin Shroud Not a Medieval Fake, Scientist Says
Underwater Discoveries Give Credence to Ancient Legends
Unsolved Mysteries: an Exhibition of Unsolved Mysteries and Enigmatic Findings in the History of Humanity
Update on Underwater Megalithic Structures near Western Cuba
Villagers Speak of the Small, Hairy Ebu Gogo
Vimanas - The Ancient Flying Machines
Walking with Giants
Was America Discovered in 1170
Weird Skeletons in Mankind’s Closet Giant Skeletons…
Weinzweig, Dr. Paul interview on Underwater City Off Cuba
Women Warriors From Amazon Fought for Britain’s Roman Army
Ye Old Curiosity Shoppe
200-Year-Old Seeds Breathe Again
2,000-year-old Bottle of Wine Found in Tomb
7,000 Years Older Than Stonehenge: the Site That Stunned Archaeologists
7,000-Year Old City Found in Egypt
26,000-year-old Arch Supports?
30,000-year-old Figurines Found in German Cave
500,000 Year Old Spark Plug?
70 000-Year-Old Stones Cut by Laser?
[Een bijdrage van Sior Schmidt]
TAOISME : Shit is.
CONFUCIANISME : Confusius zegt: "Shit is."
TAOISME : de hoogstegraad van geestelijke rijpheid en/of verlichting".
BOEDDHISME : Deze shit is slechts schijn.
ZEN : Wat is het geluid van klappende shit ?
HINDOEISME : Deze shit heb je uit je vorige leven.
JUDAISME : Waarom krijgen wij altijd alle shit ?
ISLAM : Als je in de shit zit, is het Allah's wil.
STOICISME : Shit laat mij koud.
KATHOLICISME : Je zit in de shit omdat je zondig bent.
PROTESTANTISME : Geef de shit maar aan een ander.
CALVINISME : Als je in de shit raakt, werk je niet hard genoeg.
GEREFORMEERDE KERK : Geen shit op zondag.
JEHOVA'S GETUIGEN : Laat u door ons uit uw shit redden.
OSHO : Alleen leuke shit is echt.
HARE KRISHNA : Shit, shit, hare rama.
ATHEISME : Er is geen shit.
HIPPIES : Shit zit in jezelf.
NEW AGE : Visualiseer een shitloze situatie.
RASTAFARIANS : Laten we deze shit oproken.
UFO’s; nieuwe hypothesen en de mogelijke technologie
May 4, 2008, Posted by Nellie Quist at 05:38
(Met update van de 2010 UFO convention met David Sereda; 12 YouTube delen.) Van tijd tot tijd zien we UFO’s in de lucht. Waar komen de vliegende schotels vandaan en met welke technologie verplaatsen zij zich mogelijk? Een goede vraag waar misschien wel een wetenschappelijk antwoord op is te vinden. Niet alleen David Sereda houdt zich hiermee bezig; er zijn tegenwoordig heel wat wetenschappers die zich (naast de NASA en andere ruimtevaart instituten) serieus met dit onderwerp bezighouden. Foto: de voorkant of cover van David Sereda’s boek over UFO’s op NASA film materiaal Is het mogelijk om met hoog frequente energie pulsen, objecten aan de zwaartekracht te laten ontsnappen en is het daarbij zelfs mogelijk om die objecten de ruimte in te laten schieten met een snelheid die hoger licht dan de lichtsnelheid? Verdwijnen die objecten dan uit ons blikveld van de ene seconde op de andere? Wat voor camerabeelden zou zo’n object dan op onze film te zien geven? Over dat vraagstuk boog David Sereda zich; hij analyseerde vele beeldjes van de zogenaamde UFO’s op Nasa filmbeelden en hij kwam tot de conclusie dat er wel degelijk sprake is van een vergevorderde technologie. Naar zijn mening produceren de zogenaamde vliegende schotels, sterke energie pulsen die een soort van vacuüm creëren in de ruimte die voor hen ligt. Vrij van het zwaartekrachtsveld, verplaatsen zij zich dan met hoge snelheden door de onmetelijke ruimte. Op die supersnelheid gekomen, zijn zij niet meer zichtbaar voor onze aardse ogen. Dat komt misschien doordat hun energie pulsen de snelheid van het licht overtreffen. Fungeren die pulsen als een soort Startrek ‘cloaking devise’ – in het Nederlands; een ‘onzichtbaarheidsmantel’ – of begeven die vliegende schotels zich dan inderdaad op of boven de lichtsnelheid en schieten ze met die snelheid door een andere dimensie naar andere plaatsen in ons Universum? Materie is een vorm van gebonden energie. Er is een vreemde kracht nodig om energie zich te laten inbinden tot dat wat wij materie noemen. Wat die vreemde kracht is en hoe die kracht werkt: dat weten wij nog niet. Wat is zwaartekracht en hoe wordt zij veroorzaakt? Hoe kunnen wij ontsnappen aan die vreemde aantrekkende en bindende kracht? Maar de juiste vraag bovenal is; zitten de wetenschappers wel op het juiste spoor om die kracht te vinden? Wij vroegen een ‘X files’ fan om haar visie in deze: “Yin Yang? Nemen we het Yin Yang model als model voor werkzame energie, dan zou behalve de energie leverende Yang (warmte, positief geladen energie) kracht, ook Yin (koude, negatief geladen energie) een krachtige energiebron moeten zijn. Vormde de aarde en alle andere hemelse objecten hun materie onder invloed van een Yin energie? In dat geval zou de aarde en tevens andere hemelse objecten een kern kunnen hebben van Bruine of Zwarte materie met een sterk Yin accent. Die hypothese houdt dat in dat – in dat geval – de kern van de aarde een flink percentage aan ijskoude supergebonden Yin energie zou kunnen bevatten, die de lage ijskoude temperatuur van min 273,15 graden Celsius zelfs zou kunnen benaderen. De warmte op aarde zou dan worden veroorzaakt door wrijvingsenergie (kinetische energie) van de Maan, Mars, Venus en Zon en de stralingswarmte van de zon. Die Yang warmte bevindt zich dan vooral in de buitenste lagen van onze aarde: de atmosfeer, de aardkorst en de laag daaronder. De kern van de aarde is dan mogelijk massief en ijskoud en veroorzaakt mede de vreemde aantrekkingskracht of zwaarte kracht. (Inderdaad worden aan de polen veel meer zware deeltjes gemeten, dan tot nu toe werd verondersteld. Waar komen die deeltjes vandaan en waarom hangen zij rond bij de polen? Alleen omdat de atmosfeer daar wat dunner is of komt dat ook door de stroming van het aardmagnetische veld?) Die aantrekkingskracht van de aarde en andere hemelse objecten ontstaat dan niet alleen door draaiing, co-valentie en elektronvalentie maar ook door de tegengestelde elektrische ladingen van de Yin en Yang energie – en de daaraan verbonden energetische wisselwerkingen – van de deeltjes in de kern en de omringende lagen. Deze hypothese roept meteen de vraag op of bijvoorbeeld neutronen wel zo neutraal zijn als wij tot nu toe denken. Mogelijk zijn zij dan niet zo neutraal maar bezitten zij een tegenover gestelde ladingen – waarvan de som ogenschijnlijk neutraal is – maar die de elektronen en positronen toch aan zich weet te binden. In dat geval moet het mogelijk zijn om een metaal te ontwikkelen dat een minimale negatieve lading heeft en dat dus naar aardse begrippen super licht zou moeten zijn of superlicht gemaakt kan worden door middel van geluidsgolven. Maar deze hypothese houdt ook meteen in dat onze aarde dan mogelijk meer energie in zich verbergt dan we tot nu toe veronderstelden; de aarde zou dan eigenlijk veel meer massa moeten hebben dan we tot nu toe denken. Wat meteen een goede mogelijkheid geeft tot het voorkomen van de zogenaamde Wormholes? (Dit commentaar op mogelijke UFO technologie; N. Quist)” Tja, wat is koude eigenlijk en wat is warmte eigenlijk? Zijn zij beiden symptomen van een sterk werkende energiestroom en is zij te beïnvloeden met super hoge of extreem lage energie frequenties? Door middel van Micro-waves kunnen we al voedsel opwarmen maar door middel van diezelfde golven kunnen we ook stoffen afkoelen. Blijkbaar neemt de stof heel gewoon de frequentie over en wordt ze dan kouder of warmer, al naar gelang de tot rust of tot actie gekomen krachten in de stof. Vreemd genoeg beginnen bij sommige krachtige geluids-frequenties, zware objecten spontaan te zweven en schieten lichtere objecten soms zelfs naar het plafond van de onderzoeksruimte. De opname van de afgebroken NASA antenne, gefilmd vanuit de Space Shuttle met vreemd vliegende objecten die op afstand eronderdoor vliegen. David Sereda geeft op het Youtube filmpje zijn commentaar op het Tether incident NASA STS-75 Ufo. De afgebroken antenne was 12 mile (1 mile is 1609 meter) of 19.308 meter lang (=19,308 kilometer). De vreemd vliegende en pulserende schijven die onder de tether doorvliegen waren ongeveer 2 of 3 mile groot: 3218 tot 4827 meter groot (= tussen de 3 en 4 kilometer groot!). Aan de linker kant van de antenne zien we opeens een vreemd pulserende grote schijf. Volgens Sereda’s berekening had de grootste vliegende schijf ongeveer de grootte van de stad New York. Was het object echt zo groot of leek dat alleen maar zo door het enorme energieveld dat om de UFO hangt en bevindt de echte vliegmachine zich in het centrum van dat geproduceerde energie veld? Hierboven deel 1 van zijn YouTube fimpjes reeks; de delen zijn te bekijken op
Om te kunnen ontsnappen aan Yin, zou men dan alleen nog wat Yang energie moeten toevoegen. Hebben we dan nog echt heel veel energie nodig voor een lange supersnelle ruimtereis of valt dat allemaal dan reuze mee? Wanneer we geloven in het bestaan van die vliegende schotels, dan hebben de breinen achter die technologie het antwoord op dat vraagstuk blijkbaar al lang geleden gevonden en gebruiken zij het met groot succes. Foto; Extraterrestial hypothisis, Wikipedia file: Extraterrestial Davids samengevat commentaar: De UFO beweegt zich nu op grote afstand onder de afgebroken antenne door. In het midden van het veld bevindt zich een donker gat; gaat de energie in dat gedeelte van het veld zo snel dat we het niet meer kunnen waarnemen? Zouden we, als we een speciale bril op zouden zetten, een superlichtflits zien op die donkere plek? Geldt dat zelfde fenomeen ook voor zwarte gaten? Zijn die in het echt ook helemaal niet donker maar juist super licht? Te licht voor onze ogen? En ja, daar gaat er weer eentje? (David’s commentaar bij een opname van een vreemd (met hoekige bocht) vliegend object door de Nasa vanuit de Space Shuttle). Sereda werkte de afgelopen tijd aan een model en de bijbehorende berekeningen over de effecten van de mogelijke energiepulsen op de Nasa opnamen van de UFO’s. Hij correspondeerde met andere wetenschappers die bezig zijn in deze hoek van de wetenschap. Volgens zijn theorie verplaatste de energie zich tezamen met de schotel op supersnelheid via een andere dimensie naar andere delen van dit Universum. De vliegende schotels op de Nasa beelden worden volgens hem pas weer zichtbaar wanneer zij hun snelheid verlagen tot gewone aardse snelheid. Het typerende aan de beelden, zoals gefilmd vanuit de Space Shuttle, is dat de vreemde vliegende objecten vreemde hoeken kunnen maken in hun vlucht. Het kunnen dus nooit kometen, satellieten of stukken ruimtepuin zijn. De door de Nasa aangevoerde verklaring dat het een brok ijs was, is bepaald niet realistisch te noemen; die vliegen toch niet met scherp hoekige bochten? De Galaxy Klok van David Sereda (zoals te zien in een van de opvolgende delen van zijn commentaar in de youtube filmpjes): In het door hem ontwikkelde model voor Kwantum Fysica wordt gedemonstreerd hoe het mogelijk is om Einstein’s lichtsnelheid te breken. Volgens Einstein kon massa de snelheid van het licht niet overstijgen. Volgens Sereda kan dat wel, maar moet de massa eerst worden getransformeerd naar een hogere snelheid of een andere golflengte. David Sereda voert hiervoor in zijn boek: “Evidence, The Case For NASA UFOs.” een theorie van Max Planck aan. Over David Sereda
David Sereda werd geboren in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada op 21 augustus 1961. In 1964 verhuisde de familie Sereda naar Californië. David Sereda wilde van jongs af aan astronaut worden en hield een plakboek bij van alle Apollo-vluchten. Toen David 7 jaar was en hij van zijn school in Berkely, Californië (waar de familie toen woonde) onderweg naar huis was, (tezamen met zijn vriendje) waren zij beiden getuigen van een vreemde hemels fenomeen: in de heldere blauwe lucht hoverde een UFO. David en zijn vriendje waren niet de enige die het ding zagen; honderden getuigen zagen de vreemde schotel en wezen naar de hemel onder het uitroepen van kreten van verbazing. Na ongeveer twintig minuten verdween het object van de ene seconde op de andere. Het ongeveer twintig minuten durende UFO incident heeft op David een diepe indruk achtergelaten en sinds die dag is David op zoek naar de technologische verklaring voor de plotselinge verdwijning van de vliegende schotel: waar kwam het vandaan en hoe kon het zo plotseling van de ene seconde op de andere verdwijnen? David groeide op met de overtuiging dat UFO’s absoluut bestaan. Hij heeft zich de afgelopen 25 jaar beziggehouden met het ontwikkelen van nieuwe technologie, de oorsprong van religie, natuurkunde, paranormale manifestaties, fotografie en vele andere zaken. David Sereda spant zich vooral in tegen vervuiling en ontbossing van de aarde, hij liet ruim een miljoen bomen aanplanten in de bossen van Brits Colombia, Canada, Alaska en in Californië. Hij houdt zich bezig met het uitvinden van goede methoden om olie vervuiling op te ruimen (hij ontwikkelde een methode om met een speciaal katoen weefsel, olie vervuiling op te ruimen – de methode wordt: “Oil Gator” genoemd). Toen hij directeur was van de Tesla Foundation in Los Angeles hield hij zich bezig met Non-RadioActieve nucleaire energie, Zonne-energie en Waterstof Gedreven Technologie. Verder hield hij zich ook bezig met het ontwikkelen van methoden om landmijnen op te sporen met behulp van microstraling analyse en chemische stoffenanalyse. Als parttime vrijwilliger, hield David zich ook bezig met het vastleggen van de talen en de kennis van de Indiaanse Volkeren in Amerika. In samenwerking met een collega werkte hij hard om die informatie door middel van film, foto’s internet en publicaties toegankelijk te maken voor een breder publiek. Van 1995 tot 2001 hield David zich bezig met UFO technologie. Hij bestudeerde voor deze studie: honderden uren durend Nasa film materiaal. Op de Nasa films van Space Shuttle Missions worden regelmatig Unidentified Flying Objects of UFO’s gespot. De resultaten van dat onderzoek leidde tot het boek en de documentaire genaamd: “Evidence, The Case For NASA UFOs”, auteur: David Sereda. Update: David Sereda sprak op de 2010 UFO Convention over Reverse Engineered UFO Technology; zeker de moeite waard om te bekijken. Via de eerste link kom je op Youtube; de delen zijn aldaar te bekijken. 2010 UFO Convention with David Sereda – Reverse Engineered UFO Technology (P01) (P02) (P03) (P04) (P05) (P06) (P07) (P08) (P09) (P10) (P11) (P12) Linken met betrekking tot dit onderwerp: UFO’s Hutchison effect : Nicola Tesla : D. Sereda op YouTube over UFO’s en het Nasa antenne incident: Andere auteurs over UFO technology: Stan Deyo over UFO technologie: Andere vormen van wiel aandrijving: Ongeluk!: Fake from China? Diverse publicaties van D. Sereda en ander auteurs op website: Originally posted 2004-12-07 09:30:44. Republished by Blog Post Promoter
Om te kunnen ontsnappen aan Yin, zou men dan alleen nog wat Yang energie moeten toevoegen. Hebben we dan nog echt heel veel energie nodig voor een lange supersnelle ruimtereis of valt dat allemaal dan reuze mee? Wanneer we geloven in het bestaan van die vliegende schotels, dan hebben de breinen achter die technologie het antwoord op dat vraagstuk blijkbaar al lang geleden gevonden en gebruiken zij het met groot succes. Foto; Extraterrestial hypothisis, Wikipedia file: Extraterrestial Davids samengevat commentaar: De UFO beweegt zich nu op grote afstand onder de afgebroken antenne door. In het midden van het veld bevindt zich een donker gat; gaat de energie in dat gedeelte van het veld zo snel dat we het niet meer kunnen waarnemen? Zouden we, als we een speciale bril op zouden zetten, een superlichtflits zien op die donkere plek? Geldt dat zelfde fenomeen ook voor zwarte gaten? Zijn die in het echt ook helemaal niet donker maar juist super licht? Te licht voor onze ogen? En ja, daar gaat er weer eentje? (David’s commentaar bij een opname van een vreemd (met hoekige bocht) vliegend object door de Nasa vanuit de Space Shuttle). Sereda werkte de afgelopen tijd aan een model en de bijbehorende berekeningen over de effecten van de mogelijke energiepulsen op de Nasa opnamen van de UFO’s. Hij correspondeerde met andere wetenschappers die bezig zijn in deze hoek van de wetenschap. Volgens zijn theorie verplaatste de energie zich tezamen met de schotel op supersnelheid via een andere dimensie naar andere delen van dit Universum. De vliegende schotels op de Nasa beelden worden volgens hem pas weer zichtbaar wanneer zij hun snelheid verlagen tot gewone aardse snelheid. Het typerende aan de beelden, zoals gefilmd vanuit de Space Shuttle, is dat de vreemde vliegende objecten vreemde hoeken kunnen maken in hun vlucht. Het kunnen dus nooit kometen, satellieten of stukken ruimtepuin zijn. De door de Nasa aangevoerde verklaring dat het een brok ijs was, is bepaald niet realistisch te noemen; die vliegen toch niet met scherp hoekige bochten? De Galaxy Klok van David Sereda (zoals te zien in een van de opvolgende delen van zijn commentaar in de youtube filmpjes): In het door hem ontwikkelde model voor Kwantum Fysica wordt gedemonstreerd hoe het mogelijk is om Einstein’s lichtsnelheid te breken. Volgens Einstein kon massa de snelheid van het licht niet overstijgen. Volgens Sereda kan dat wel, maar moet de massa eerst worden getransformeerd naar een hogere snelheid of een andere golflengte. David Sereda voert hiervoor in zijn boek: “Evidence, The Case For NASA UFOs.” een theorie van Max Planck aan. Over David Sereda
David Sereda werd geboren in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada op 21 augustus 1961. In 1964 verhuisde de familie Sereda naar Californië. David Sereda wilde van jongs af aan astronaut worden en hield een plakboek bij van alle Apollo-vluchten. Toen David 7 jaar was en hij van zijn school in Berkely, Californië (waar de familie toen woonde) onderweg naar huis was, (tezamen met zijn vriendje) waren zij beiden getuigen van een vreemde hemels fenomeen: in de heldere blauwe lucht hoverde een UFO. David en zijn vriendje waren niet de enige die het ding zagen; honderden getuigen zagen de vreemde schotel en wezen naar de hemel onder het uitroepen van kreten van verbazing. Na ongeveer twintig minuten verdween het object van de ene seconde op de andere. Het ongeveer twintig minuten durende UFO incident heeft op David een diepe indruk achtergelaten en sinds die dag is David op zoek naar de technologische verklaring voor de plotselinge verdwijning van de vliegende schotel: waar kwam het vandaan en hoe kon het zo plotseling van de ene seconde op de andere verdwijnen? David groeide op met de overtuiging dat UFO’s absoluut bestaan. Hij heeft zich de afgelopen 25 jaar beziggehouden met het ontwikkelen van nieuwe technologie, de oorsprong van religie, natuurkunde, paranormale manifestaties, fotografie en vele andere zaken. David Sereda spant zich vooral in tegen vervuiling en ontbossing van de aarde, hij liet ruim een miljoen bomen aanplanten in de bossen van Brits Colombia, Canada, Alaska en in Californië. Hij houdt zich bezig met het uitvinden van goede methoden om olie vervuiling op te ruimen (hij ontwikkelde een methode om met een speciaal katoen weefsel, olie vervuiling op te ruimen – de methode wordt: “Oil Gator” genoemd). Toen hij directeur was van de Tesla Foundation in Los Angeles hield hij zich bezig met Non-RadioActieve nucleaire energie, Zonne-energie en Waterstof Gedreven Technologie. Verder hield hij zich ook bezig met het ontwikkelen van methoden om landmijnen op te sporen met behulp van microstraling analyse en chemische stoffenanalyse. Als parttime vrijwilliger, hield David zich ook bezig met het vastleggen van de talen en de kennis van de Indiaanse Volkeren in Amerika. In samenwerking met een collega werkte hij hard om die informatie door middel van film, foto’s internet en publicaties toegankelijk te maken voor een breder publiek. Van 1995 tot 2001 hield David zich bezig met UFO technologie. Hij bestudeerde voor deze studie: honderden uren durend Nasa film materiaal. Op de Nasa films van Space Shuttle Missions worden regelmatig Unidentified Flying Objects of UFO’s gespot. De resultaten van dat onderzoek leidde tot het boek en de documentaire genaamd: “Evidence, The Case For NASA UFOs”, auteur: David Sereda. Update: David Sereda sprak op de 2010 UFO Convention over Reverse Engineered UFO Technology; zeker de moeite waard om te bekijken. Via de eerste link kom je op Youtube; de delen zijn aldaar te bekijken. 2010 UFO Convention with David Sereda – Reverse Engineered UFO Technology (P01) (P02) (P03) (P04) (P05) (P06) (P07) (P08) (P09) (P10) (P11) (P12) Linken met betrekking tot dit onderwerp: UFO’s Hutchison effect : Nicola Tesla : D. Sereda op YouTube over UFO’s en het Nasa antenne incident: Andere auteurs over UFO technology: Stan Deyo over UFO technologie: Andere vormen van wiel aandrijving: Ongeluk!: Fake from China? Diverse publicaties van D. Sereda en ander auteurs op website: Originally posted 2004-12-07 09:30:44. Republished by Blog Post Promoter
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