dinsdag 27 juli 2010

How to wake people up without turning yourself into a social outcast

Amplify’d from www.hangedmanproject.com

How to wake people up without turning yourself into a social outcast

Readers of this particular website have probably all been there before: you try very hard to convince a family member, a friend or someone you know from work that the real world isn’t quite as is shown on television or through other forms of mainstream brainwashing and that it would be a wise decision for your subject to inform him or herself about what their reality is actually made up of. You timed all of your convincing statements and quotes just right and knew exactly what documentaries this truth heathen should have a look at. But somehow you still end up with someone staring you in the eyes emptily, confused, bewildered and getting ready to run for safer places any moment now, if the running didn’t already happen. Mission failed. Miserably.

Simple fact: trying to open other people’s eyes by confronting them with the possibility that they might be the main subject of a future genocide, that reptilian entities could be out for their life’s energy or that HAARP will most likely fry their brain if some freak scientists and fascist governments get their way, are just not good ways of waking your fellow sleepy human beings up. Common citizens see James Bond-style action movie scenery flash before their eyes as soon as you mention secretive meetings of world leaders at this mystery place called Bohemian Grove and will most likely conclude that you must be high on some sort of illegal substance. Waking somebody up by emptying a bucket of icy water over their head while they are in their REM sleep is not a productive approach. Subtlety is.

What do almost all of us have in common, something which we are confronted with on a daily basis and something that really concerns us? The need for good food. We all eat and nearly all of us have the tendency to want the best for ourselves in order to preserve our health. I’ve found that – after having hit the concrete wall of disbelief many, many times before – telling people what’s actually in their food is a great way of getting your message across, of getting rid of at least some of the propaganda people’s realities are built upon and with that, hopefully allowing the seed of independent thinking to sprout and grow to its full potential.

In this article I will use the European situation as an example because I myself happen to be part of the Fourth Reich and I’ll therefore mostly be talking about so called E-numbers. These numbers are nothing more than codes representing mostly unpronounceable ingredients better known as additives. In our modern world, we no longer need to cherish the illusion that food bought from local supermarkets actually deserves to be called food. It’s doesn’t. Almost everything edible you buy nowadays is infested with additives to enhance flavor, appearance, preservability or to simply start a chemical siege on your brain, forcing it to consume even more. And this, dear readers, is a great way to slightly open up the gates to healthy and free thinking.

The next time you see a good but slumbering friend devour some shiny red candy for example, have a look and see if the product happens to contain Carmine or E-120, as it is labeled over here. If so, ask your friend if he or she enjoys eating the reddish colored residue of crushed and boiled dried insects. Most friends don’t. Then, explain to them it has been scientifically proven that Carmine can cause hyperactivity, asthma, eczema, insomnia and that new studies show it could even be carcinogenic.

Another “fun” one is l-cysteine or E-920. This is mostly used to enhance the structure of foods like bread and is usually made from… animal hair. If you thought you were a vegetarian, better think twice. You could just as well have been eating animal products without even knowing it. You gotta love the food industry, right? By the way, stay away from things like gummy candy, marshmallows and lots of desserts too if you love animals, because E-441 – a main ingredient of the products mentioned - is nothing more than gelatin, which is derived from the collagen inside animals’ skins and bones. Yummy.

While there aren’t many negative side effects known (yet) for the ingestion of E-920 besides the fact that the idea of eating processed animal hair is usually considered to be pretty much disgusting, E-441 is more tricky, even if you’re not a vegetarian: this substance is sometimes known to contain traces of yet another additive, one that goes by the name of Mono-sodium Glutamate, also better known as MSG or E-621. And this is where things start to get really nasty.

MSG or E-621 is a synthetic flavor enhancer that has some extra “benefits”. One of those so-called benefits is that it is also a neurotoxin that can affect neurons in your brain in a severe manner. The effects of this neurotoxin can be experienced pretty easily: ask your friend if he or she ever opened a bag of chips, ate some of the potato goodness and suddenly found him or herself frantically devouring every last crumb as if it were the best thing anyone could ever have. That’s the effect of MSG on your brain: you think you just want more and more.

And it gets even worse: MSG can be found in tons of things and has become very hard not to be present in the stuff you consume. It’s in soup, chips, ready-to-eat meals, diet products and just about anything else you could put in your mouth and chew on. Which, if you ask me, is a terrible thing. As I said, MSG forces people to eat more because the toxin messes up the inner workings of your brain in a very bad way, resulting in even more people getting obese due to the simple fact that they just can’t stop eating. And as if that wasn’t bad enough, there’s this other thing that you should avoid as if it were leprosy: light products.

If you really feel like poisoning yourself, buy products that are both “light” and contain flavor enhancers like MSG. This way, your brain just keeps on wanting more of the product; a product that has had E-951 or Aspartame added to it, an additive that has (in scientific literature over the last forty years) been proven to be nothing more than a really destructive poison, again corrupting the way your brain works and causing cancer in just about all test subjects. “Light products” will indeed make you lose weight, but only after you die a horrible death.

The only reason these poisons like MSG or Aspartame appear in our foods, is because the food industry wants them to be in there. Additives are usually way cheaper than genuine ingredients so there’s a lot more profit to be made selling synthesized “food”. And it’s of course also desirable to have people eat more and more of your products, so adding MSG and thereby stimulating consumers’ appetite can only be a good thing. And here – finally! - comes the actual argument that usually wakes up people pretty damn well: all these poisons have been approved by our governments. In Europe, the E in E-numbers stands for “Approved by the European Union as being safe to consume”. In the US there’s the FDA who also has no problems approving ingredients that should never have made their way to the food market. It’s all about the money. It’s business as usual.

With this realization, a lot of people who otherwise would never have listened to anything you have to say, will now usually start to feel a bit uncomfortable. And that’s basically all that is needed to get people to think more independently. As soon as they themselves see that governments and corporations are nothing more than the same nasty and greedy monster and that this monster does not care about human or any life at all, eyes do start to open. I have used this approach for some time now and I have achieved quite a high success rate. Of course there are always people that have been conditioned and indoctrinated so badly that they just won’t comprehend anything you have to say, but for most humanoids, showing them how their food is actually not really food anymore but some synthesized pile of poisoned garbage that was approved by their governments, is a great start-up for getting the road to true freedom paved.

Read more at www.hangedmanproject.com

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